Friday, May 16, 2014

Do Not Run Out of Gas

Putting gas in the car is a common, everyday occurrence. We would not think of driving our vehicles continuously without watching the gas gauge and stopping periodically to fill up the tank. It is just something every driver knows that he must do. Without an adequate amount of fuel, we will not reach our destination. Driving too far without stopping and refueling will cause us to run out of gas.
As Christians we must become conscious of keeping our spiritual gas tank full. We cannot continue to go about our lives without checking into the word of God for refueling and refreshing. We cannot go about sharing with others and giving our lives in service to God on our own power. We may be a vehicle that God can use regularly, but we must check in with him to receive the strength and energy to go about this work. “… Hearken diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness [the profuseness of spiritual joy].  Incline your ear [submit and consent to the divine will] and come to Me; hear, and your soul will revive;” (Isaiah 55:2-3 AMP) Listening to God’s word revives our weary souls!Getting gas can be inconvenient. My husband came home from work and stated that he would have to go out to get gas for his car. He had not paid close enough attention to his gauge and realized now that he was near empty. This required a trip to the gas station at a time he would have rather relaxed at home. In addition to the effort there is also a cost involved. These days gas has become fairly expensive. This cost must be figured into budget in order to continue driving a vehicle.Food is fuel that makes our bodies operate properly. Jesus talked about our need spiritual food. “But He replied, It has been written, Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”  (Matthew 4:4 AMP)  He practiced receiving spiritual food by regularly spending time alone with His Father. This may not have always been convenient and often cost Him sleep and time away from other things. During this time with the Father He received what He needed daily to go about blessing those He encountered on His path. Though it will cost time and effort, we must regularly fill up with prayer, praise, thanksgiving and God’s word.Running out of gas has some serious consequences. It will cause a delay in reaching your destination. There is the inconvenience of getting to a gas station and returning with a container carrying enough gas to get your vehicle back to the station. There is even a danger of being unable to safely get to the side of the road before the car stops. This could cause a serious accident with damage to the vehicle and possible injuries to the drivers and passengers of several cars. 
To avoid these dangers in our walk with God we need to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit: (Ephesians 5:18 AMP)  This comes by prayer and study of the word.  Joy also brings energy and strength to our lives.  “…And be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10b AMP)  The closer we come to God the more joy will be present in our lives.  We will have the insight and joy to keep going and bless others rather than become an obstacle.          
I remember a time that I was very close to being out of gas. My car chugged and sputtered as it barely made its way into a gas station. When I had realized how low on gas I was, I had become fearful that I would not make it. Searching for the nearest place to refuel that night became very unpleasant. If we let our spiritual fuel tanks get too close to empty, we will experience the same unpleasant feelings. Fear will replace the confidence that a full, Spirit-filled life brings.  Daily fill ups can keep us from desperately seeking life when we are worn out.

Are you running low on spiritual fuel?  Be wise like my husband.  Do not try to keep going too far without refueling. Ignore the inconvenience and cost and fill your spiritual fuel tank regularly.  Then you can be prepared to follow the route the Father has planned for you.

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