Monday, June 16, 2014

Passing His Message On

We received a bill from the company that we get our internet service through. We have the billing auto-drafted from our checking account, so I did not pay much attention to the envelope when it arrived. I simply dropped it on the table where we take care of mail. Several days later my husband asked me what this envelope was. I began to explain that it was just a paper copy of the bill for our account. He replied, “But that’s not our name or address.” I had only looked at the return address, not the intended recipient.  A closer look at the envelope revealed it was actually meant for the house next door and the name was that of a new neighbor. (We only knew her first name, prior to receiving this bill.) The bill had been delivered to our house by mistake. Because I had not paid closer attention, it did not make it to the neighbor’s house for several days after its initial delivery. 
Do we ever get ideas that we think might be from the Holy Spirit but don't really seem to apply to us? We then simply dismiss the message as a random thought or idea of our own. I wonder how many times these ideas are something that truly are from God, but they were for someone else not us. Like my letter, sometimes the things that we do not fully pay attention to truly are from God. Later we may encounter someone who that thought definitely applies to. God is not only interested in our lives. He is also extremely interested in the lives of everyone around us. If we will listen to the Holy Spirit for how we can affect others as much as we listen for ourselves, we may find that many of our ‘random thoughts’ are actually inspired by God.
I remember a particular instance of this from years ago. I was reading a Christian novel that was set during World War II. In the book the young couple received frequent counsel from the woman’s father. I saw many truths of God from the conversations with this wise man. As I stopped to think about one of these insightful conversations, I strongly felt that I should take the book to Bible study with me the next day. I considered this for a moment and then dismissed the idea. It was only a novel, not the Bible. It would be silly for me to take it to a Bible study. The following morning when women were sharing prayer requests, one shared a situation she was facing.  The words from the passage in my novel fit her need perfectly. This fictional father’s wise counsel was always full of Scripture. I had to apologize to this woman for not obeying a prompting the Holy Spirit had put in my heart. I summarized the conversation from the book, but I knew that having actually read the words would have had far greater impact. Because I had been more concerned with feeling foolish about bringing a novel to the study than the hearts of my friends, I had overlooked a message that God had sent me for another of His precious daughters.
How many other times have I failed to pay close attention when God speaks of things that are not what I need at that particular time? Do many of us regularly miss opportunities to be God’s messenger and bring a blessing from Him to others?  Do we dismiss what we do not deem relevant without even asking God if He is behind a thought?  King Solomon wrote, “Man's steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?” (Proverbs 20:24 AMP)  We cannot even understand our way, so we must pay close attention to the One who leads us.  As God orders and directs our steps, we may not understand how they apply to His purpose for our lives.  He may not show us who He has plans to bless through us or how He plans to do so. We must pay close attention to everything He sends our way to not miss His plan. 
The bill was delivered to my neighbor, even if it was late.  Time may have passed since God gave us a message or practical gift for someone else.  We can still bring that gift to the one He desires. 

Today let ‘Who do you wish to bless through me?’  be your prayer. If you have an idea, ask God if He is behind it and how to go about bringing His blessing to its intended recipient.  Your steps may lead you next door, across town or around the world.  Your impact may be one life or many.  Pay attention and walk well!

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