Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pass the Blessing On

Have you ever been the recipient of surprise payment at the register or drive-through of a restaurant or coffee shop? Someone who has gone before gave extra money to cover your bill. You arrive at the counter or payment window and are told there is no charge for your order. What would you do?
We can receive our order as a blessing and go on with our day. We can also put some money in and bless those who are coming behind us. Both choices are fine. In a financially tough time, we can simply receive the blessing as a gift. At other times it is great to give to those behind us in the same way that we have received.
These blessings are not always limited to a restaurant setting. A single mom finds that her groceries been paid for and the remaining money is put on a gift card. Someone comes along who can fix a vehicle or other item that the owner has no ability to fix. The right word of encouragement comes at the moment most needed. The list of blessings that we can receive and pass on is endless.
When Jesus Christ went to the cross of Calvary, He paid the greatest price of all. He brought salvation for all who would believe.  “But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name.” (John 1:12 AMP) We can receive no greater gift than this. We can also give no greater gift than this.
We also receive many gifts from God on a daily basis. “Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse].” (James 1:17 AMP) With a grateful heart we should strive to pass the blessings we receive on to others. Although we could never match the blessings that we receive from God, we can follow His example of generosity. “Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].” (Ephesians 5:1 AMP)
In everything we do, we know that the source of all goodness in us and through us comes from our heavenly father. “We love Him, because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19 AMP) God’s love is sacrificial. The cost Jesus paid was extremely high. We are called also to give of ourselves. We must set selfish motives behind and look for what we can give to others. “Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family], giving precedence and showing honor to one another.” (Romans 12:10 AMP) Just as Jesus gave of His life, much of are giving will not be financially. We are to give of our time, talents and hearts to those who come behind us.
Often when we pass a blessing on, we can begin a chain reaction that will continue indefinitely. As each vehicle approaches the payment window and receives the message that the bill has been prepaid, the driver may choose to pass the blessing on to another. Many of the recipients will never meet the one who initiated the gift. The apostle Paul is like one of the people who passed on the blessing. With confidence he could state, “Pattern yourselves after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah).” (1 Corinthians 11:1 AMP) Generations later we are still receiving the blessings of his gifts as he taught and wrote so much of the New Testament. Although we have never met Paul, his writings have been passed down to us by many who have been faithful between his time and ours.
As we go about our days we can initiate blessings into the lives of everyone we meet. When these blessings are passed on our actions can reach far beyond those we come in contact with. We simply have to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. “And as you would like and desire that men would do to you, do exactly so to them.” (Luke 6:31 AMP) As we live by this verse which has been called The Golden Rule and choose to pass the blessings on, our acts of love can reach out further than we will know. And God will be displayed in the hearts of men.
So today, if you receive a blessing, pass it on. Better yet initiate a blessing. It doesn’t take money, although that can be used, it simply takes your heart. If today is your day to receive a financial blessing, enjoy it. You can pass the blessings on in many, many ways.

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