Friday, March 20, 2015

Why Are My Slippers Outside Again?

I absolutely love my two dogs, Beamer and Kari. They are playful and fun-loving but each has his and her own quirks and bad habits.
Beamer wants to have something in his mouth every time he goes outside. This item is preferably a toy, but can be a pair of socks, slippers or just about anything ‘mouth size’ that has been left within his reach. These items may be found on the floor, chairs, sofas, or even tables if he is being especially naughty. We are constantly retrieving things either from his mouth at the door or from the backyard. Since my slippers are frequently left on the floor of the den, I often find myself searching for at least one of them. They are often on a table or shelf where my husband has placed them after rescuing them from Beamer’s mouth. This morning I saw a pair sitting on the deck just a few feet from the back door. My first thought was, “What are my slippers doing outside?” I immediately realized how silly this question was. I knew exactly what the slippers were doing outside and who had dropped them there. Beamer is the thief and transplant king of all small, unattended items.
I have an option to blame Beamer for taking my slippers outside or to acknowledge my own lack of responsibility to put them away. Do I play the victim and become frustrated by his actions or do I begin protecting my belongings by putting them out of his reach. Knowing his behavior patterns, I must begin to guard my slippers.
God has provided a great treasure in His word. When we do not intently consider God’s word to us, the enemy will come and steal it away. Jesus told parable of a man sowing seed. (See Matthew chapter 13) In this parable, seed is dropped on the path and the birds steal it away. Jesus compares this path to people who hear the word of God but do not understand it. Because they do not understand, and do not seek to understand, the value of the word is stolen away by the enemy of our souls. When we are inattentive to what God is attempting to show us, we will not experience the work that our loving Father wishes to do in our lives.
God may reveal a truth to our hearts in a very special way. He may also point out areas of our lives in which He wishes to make correction. When we do not take the time to ponder and seek out what God is speaking specifically to us, it is like leaving that instruction from God on the floor of our spiritual house. Here the enemy can come and steal the thought away. It may be days, weeks or even years before we return to truly learn the lesson that God intended to teach us. Sometimes we never will.
If we do not understand the lesson God is drawing our hearts to, we must listen and search for truth. The best way is to compare Scripture to other Scripture. We can look at works written by other Christians who have studied the same areas. But most importantly of all, we have the Holy Spirit who resides within us. Jesus promised His followers, “But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.” (John 14:26 AMP) We can learn all things from the Holy Spirit. When understanding seems difficult, we also have this promise. “If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5 AMP)
If we are at a place that God is shining the light of His word on an area in life that we need to change, we must not hold on too tightly to where we are. Change is always difficult. When God-led, change is always preferable. We must not hold onto things in an attempt to keep them as they are. Whether we are to let go of sin or simply follow God in a new direction, obedience is key. “For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice, Harden not your hearts as at Meribah and as at Massah in the day of temptation in the wilderness,” (Psalm 95:7-8 AMP) We do not wish to set down the will of God for our reluctance to move forward with Him.
So when we have ‘aha’ moments that we know God wishes to speak to our hearts, we must receive them as gifts. We must not walk away leaving them behind without pondering, coming to full understanding and then obeying what we have heard the Almighty speak. If we treat the word carelessly and leave these lessons behind, without obtaining full value, the enemy is ready to snatch them up and run out the door with them. These lessons can leave our mind and heart quickly if we do not pay close heed to receive them. Sometimes we may not even know that they are gone. And other times we will wonder how we let that get away from us.
So as you read the Scriptures, treat them with deep respect. When God speaks to your heart, determine to learn all that He intends to reveal and make this an active part of your life. Do not put down the precious teachings of God where the enemy can snatch them away.

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