Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Caller ID

A feature on modern-day telephones is the caller ID. This allows the person receiving the call to immediately see from which number the call is coming. If one has attached a name to any given phone number, that name will also appear. Immediately upon receiving the call, one knows who is calling.
A benefit of this feature is that one can screen calls as they come in. This allows one to choose if they will answer the call or not. It also allows the person receiving the call to have a sense of what the call may entail based upon who the call is coming from.
When some names show up on the caller ID, they instill a sense of excitement. A spouse, child or best friend are welcomed calls. Answering will bring a conversation of joint interest and benefit to both caller and receiver. Blocked numbers can indicate sales or other business calls. Still other names will give a hint of the call’s nature by the relationship one has with that person. Is this someone who does all of the talking without pausing to allow any other input or is this someone calling to hear what is new with us? Caller ID can reveal a lot and evoke many emotions.
When I have seen the names of my husband, son or closest friends on the caller ID, tender feelings arise. I have often been waiting for their call. I'm excited to hear what has been going on in their days and lives. I'm ready to jump into assistance mode if necessary. Mostly I am simply excited that they chose to take some time out of their day to communicate with me.
Our Heavenly Father is continually waiting for our call. “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).” (Jeremiah 33:3 AMP) God anticipates and welcomes us when we reach out to Him.
What do our calls indicate to God? Do we come to Him with a heart full of praise, thanksgiving and excitement of what our lives entail? Will this be a call made “Just to say I love you!” Or do we simply bring a long list of needs and drone on about what we wish to receive from Him? Do we call with a little of both and a heart ready for His voice?
God answers our calls. When we come to Him only with needs, this may be less than an exciting call. God is already aware of our struggles. “And when you pray, do not heap up phrases (multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over) as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6:7-8 AMP) We do not want to be so busy complaining or even discussing our own desires and plans that we do not listen to what God has planned. As the verse from Jeremiah above states, the Lord wishes to share His plans with us. This is so much more exciting than our list of needs or small dreams. When we come with a balance of praise and requests, talking and listening, the conversation blesses both the Father and the child.
There is only one time that our call to our Heavenly Father that will be blocked. King David wrote, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me,” (Psalm 66:18 AMP) It is very easy to get off of the ‘no call’ list. We simply ask for forgiveness and our communication with the Lord will be fully restored.
So we must consider what our calls to the Lord will be like. When the Lord receives a call from us will there be an excitement of a full, rich conversation? Will there be nothing more but the continual drone of current complaints? Or will this be the long-awaited call of one who has been far away and not contacted in a long time?

If anything is blocking your communication with the Father today, repent and ask forgiveness to restore the sweet relationship that God desires with you. Then consider what the tone of each call will be. Call often and share your life with the Lord and hear His heart for you.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your posts . this is really fresh and so true .thank you Kathy for sharing your heart ,in an easy. relatablle way
