Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stop and Wait on Red (Life's intersections 1)

While giving my son a ride to work, it seemed that almost every traffic light was red when we arrived. As we sat at one of the intersections, I noticed that no vehicles were moving. There were lines of traffic in the eastbound and westbound directions. Yet the intersection remained empty. As I glanced to the North and South there was not a vehicle in sight. Nonetheless we all sat without moving. The reason was not necessity or ability to move, but simply a small, red light that signifies the command to stop.
Without that signal light, it would have made no sense for all these vehicles to remain in place. It would have appeared a bit foolish for these drivers to be waiting when there was nothing coming from the other direction. Drivers, likely impatient to be on their way to their destination, are not moving even when the path is clear. Everything that appears logical is altered by that little, red light.
As we travel on this spiritual journey, we will come to intersections in our lives. At times the signal we get from the Lord will be to stop and wait. When we can see the obstacles to His plans, this command may be fairly easy to follow. As time goes on and we perceive no logical reason in sight, waiting can become more difficult. Self-doubt and impatience can become our enemies during this process.
As a vehicle stands idling at the intersection, the driver does not begin to doubt the ability of his vehicle to move forward. He does not believe the engine is no longer working properly the transmission is slipping. He is fully aware that he is in control and that the vehicle is only stopped by the placement of his foot on the brake.
Likewise, we should not doubt our own abilities simply because God has told us to wait. By our obedience we place our foot on the brake and allow our hopes and dreams to idle as God’s plan and timing become clear. We should not begin to doubt our abilities to move forward at the right time. When the light turns to green we will take our foot off the brake and propel into the future that God has planned for us.
Going forward before the light turns green is foolish. Even when there are no vehicles in sight, one may not enter the intersection. Moving prematurely through a red light is breaking the law. It sets one up to be ticketed if a police officer witnesses this action. This will lead to the expense of paying the ticket and possible inconveniences of a court appearance. None of these consequences are worth the momentary delay of following the rules of the road and staying where you are.
In life the same principle is true. Moving forward with our own plan before God has released us is a very poor idea. Without the direction of the Lord we lose the blessing of the Lord on our actions. Consequences will always follow. The Israelites learned this principle while in the desert. But they hastily forgot His works; they did not [earnestly] wait for His plans [to develop] regarding them… And He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their souls and [thinned their numbers by] disease and death.” (Psalm 106:13, 15 AMP) The plans that God has for us are set for His time and in His manner. Only by following His direction exactly as He has laid it out, can we hope to achieve all that God has for us.
Impatience may cause us to move ahead with what we believe God has called us to. We must be willing to admit that we do not always have the entire picture. God may have given us a glimpse of His plan, but only He knows how all the pieces fit.For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9 AMP) By waiting patiently for the green light and being attentive to the directions God gives us, we will have this outcome. “It shall be said in that day, Behold our God upon Whom we have waited and hoped, that He might save us! This is the Lord, we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” (Isaiah 25:9 AMP)
Pay attention to the signals of your walk with God. Be sure to stop and wait when He gives a red light and be ready to go when the light turns green and follow God wherever the path leads you.

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