Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Triple G – God’s Glorious Gospel

The other evening my husband and I were watching one of the food shows we enjoy, Guys Grocery Games, commonly referred to as “Triple G”. This is a competition between four contestants who are chefs. The competition involves 30 minutes to shop, prepare and plate a creation for the judges. At the beginning of each round, Guy will give a basic criteria for the item to be prepared. The contestants will have a few moments to begin considering the dish they will create. Just as they are about to begin shopping, a twist will be revealed that will cause the contestants to need to adjust and rethink the menu they had been planning. There are any number of categories for which these adjustments may need to be made. Two examples of these categories include all ingredients beginning with the same letter or one item from each aisle. With the addition of these twists, the contestants must begin rethinking their plan just as the word ‘go’ is spoken.
Jesus Christ is the bread of life. “Jesus replied, I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me will never thirst any more (at any time).” (John 6:35 AMP) Our hurting world is waiting and needing to receive this bread. We have been entrusted with a greater Triple G - God’s Glorious Gospel. We who know Jesus are to take this bread to the hurting, hungry masses. He commands us to, “Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19 AMP) This assignment, given to each believer, delivers a delicious, nourishing meal to all who will listen. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7 AMP) We are to regularly tell others about the amazing love of God and the sacrifice of His Son that provides salvation to all who receive.
The contestants on the television show are often accomplished chefs who know how to be creative and prepare food. Likewise we are to study and learn how to not only live in the presence and knowledge of God, but also how to share it with others. There are books and Bible studies on how to share the basics of the gospel. We can also know and practice telling our own story of knowing Jesus. The apostle John began his letters to the churches stating that what he shared, he knew from personal experience. “What we have seen and [ourselves] heard, we are also telling you, so that you too may realize and enjoy fellowship as partners and partakers with us. And [this] fellowship that we have [which is a distinguishing mark of Christians] is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah).” (1 John 1:3 AMP) To be genuine, we must also share our personal experience with the Lord. We may not have lived when Jesus lived on this earth, but we do walk through our daily lives knowing His presence. We are not required to share the gospel with our own strength and power. God provides all that we need. “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 AMP)
As prepared as we may feel to share our faith, an encounter with someone can quickly go far differently than planned. A comment or question can initiate a new direction to the conversation. The intent of the conversation remains the salvation of Jesus Christ. The words that we use and direction that we take to relate this message is what changes. We do not need to fear these twists. We have the same promise that was given to the disciples who would be led before rulers. “For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour and moment what [you] ought to say.” (Luke 12:12 AMP) The planned conversation may change and the presentation be a little different, but the Holy Spirit will help us share the message of the love of God.
We are sharing God’s Glorious Gospel. This is our spiritual Triple G. It is not a game show, but an important mission. Whatever surprises change our plans, we present a delectable creation. “For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible alike] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing:” (2 Corinthians 2:15 AMP) The flavor of the presentation may vary, yet the message remains the same. Jesus Christ is the bread of life and salvation for the world. We present Him and the world will, “O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8 AMP)
 Share the love of Jesus today. Many are hungry and waiting for this wonderful food.

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