“Do you trust me?” Aladdin speaks
these words to Princess Jasmine as she ponders getting on the magic
carpet. She decides to take the chance and steps on. In the
Disney movie, the song, ‘A Whole New World’ plays as the princess discovers all
the wonders of the kingdom. This kingdom already belongs to her by her royal
birth, but she has been sheltered within the palace. She has crept out in secret
before, but only caught small glimpses of the outside world. She has no idea
all that is actually hers, simply because of who she is. She is the
daughter of the sultan who rules this kingdom. She is his heir.
Followers of Jesus Christ are called
children of God and heirs of a heavenly kingdom. “And if we are
[His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and
fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we
must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.” (Romans
8:17 AMP) Many opportunities and benefits are available to us as
heirs. We find these in the Word of God. Yet many Christians never
step out into what God has planned. We may venture out for a taste of that
plan, but don’t fully step out.
I am reminded of Peter, sitting
fearfully in a boat on a stormy sea. Then he sees Jesus out on the
water. “And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command
me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the
boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.” (Matthew
14:28-29) He was unhappy in that boat, which was being tossed around. He
heard the invitation of Jesus and responded.
Jasmine did not step out because
flying carpets were known to be safe modes of transportation. Peter did
not step out of the boat because stormy seas had been proven to support a man’s
weight. When analyzed by their previous experiences, stepping out did not
make sense. They both stepped out because they knew and trusted the one
who was inviting them to come along.
Do you know and trust the one who
calls to you? He is trustworthy. “God is faithful
(reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can
be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and
participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Corinthians
1:9AMP) He can be counted on to fulfill every promise He has made.
Jesus is always a faithful companion.
The Lord desires to show you what He has
in store for you. “Ask me and I
will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” (Jeremiah
33:3 NLT) Ask Him. Then as He reveals these things, you can begin to
walk with Him as you experience them. The magic carpet provided a great
view of the kingdom. But Jasmine had to step off the carpet to experience
what was hers. You can enjoy the view that God’s promise provides, but to
experience what you have in Christ, you have to take a step in the direction of
the promise. Only then can you walk out the plan you are called to.
He promises to be with you every step. “And be sure of this: I am
with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18b AMP)
So what are some ways the Spirit of God
is calling you to step out? What dreams of your heart have yet to be
explored? These can be small or large. It can be a baby step of obedience
that doesn’t seem to make sense. It could be changing the entire path
your life is on. It can be reviving a dream you thought was lost. It can be a
multitude of things somewhere in between.
Making a commitment to write three
stories a week for this blog took stepping out. It had nothing to do with
confidence in my creative abilities. Reviving my dream to write, was not
something that I had even considered at this stage of my life. Yet, here
I am, with an assurance that these story ideas are coming from God, and that He
wants me to share them. The challenge still seems a bit daunting. (I
asked repeatedly if three stories a week was really His plan and never felt
differently.) So I will trust His faithfulness to provide. I will
continue to write as He leads. Without a doubt, responding with trust to
this call has brought joy and satisfaction.
So Jesus poses the question to you
each day. “Do you trust me?” Take His hand. See, trust and
walk in all He has for you.
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