Clouds can be very beautiful against a clear sky. A
friend of mine shared that she was driving one day and thanking God for the
beautiful clouds she saw in the distance. She expressed her appreciation
for the beautiful sight. She also began thanking Him for the benefits of
clouds. They provide shade from the heat, block the glare of the sun and
release raindrops when needed. Clouds are an amazing gift from the
creator; a gift to be truly grateful for.
As she neared her
destination, she was surprised to find that what she had been viewing on this
drive had not been clouds at all. Rather it had been the exhaust pouring
into the sky from a power plant. I immediately connected with her
observation and error. Living fairly close to this plant, I observe this
view almost daily. There are ‘clouds’ constantly coming from the three
smokestacks connected to the building. It often creates an appearance
that the sky is full of beautiful, billowing clouds. These clouds are
white and often breathtaking.
Have you ever thanked God for
something that seemed so perfect to you at the time, yet you later found was a
toxic imitation of His true plan for you? Everything seems to be
beautifully falling into place, so it must be God. I have learned a hard, but
valuable, lesson from this.
Like the clouds deception can
sometimes look like the real thing. Just after I graduated college, I was
looking for an apartment, roommate and job. After I got a job, I met with
another girl who had recently graduated. She was looking for a roommate in the
same part of town that I was. It all just seemed so perfect. It must’ve been
God. I remember even as I told people how God had provided all my needs, I felt
like maybe I should ask Him one more time. Unfortunately, I did not. The
six months of the lease on that apartment were not very peaceful for either of
us. I can’t tell you how many times I wished I had asked God if this really was
His plan. It was just what I thought God would do. This shouldn’t have
surprised me. “And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades
as an angel of light;” (1Corinthians 11:14 ESV) What appears to
be right is not always direction from the Lord.
At the end of the lease, my
roommate found other housing arrangements. At that time another opportunity arose
that seemed to make a lot of sense. I sought the Lord and Godly counsel.
I did not make a second mistake. A short time after that, I moved in with a
widow who was the sweetest person imaginable. That situation was from God, and
it was wonderful. I prayed, and asked God again, and prayed some more before
making this move. Not only was God in this, but He was giving me an opportunity
to reach out and help someone else. She turned out to be a huge blessing in my
In both scenarios, the clouds
and roommate situations, we are seeing what we choose to see. Sometimes, as in
the clouds, we are simply deceived by appearance. At other times, as with the
roommate, the deception comes by seeing what we desire to be true rather than
the truth. Scripture gives us a solution to both of these problems in a single
verse. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all
these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33 ESV) When we truly
seek (not just glance in the direction of) the kingdom of God, we will see the
truth. We will not be deceived by appearances, nor will we be deceived by our
own self-centered plans and desires. God promises to grant the true
desires of our hearts, even when we are not sure what those desires are. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you
the desires and secret
petitions of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4
AMP) Sometimes these secret heart cries will remain secret, even from us, until
we delight in Him.
So when you see something
that appears to be beautiful, be sure to take a closer look. If it is truly
from God, thank Him for it. Enjoy the beauty He is providing you. If it
is not from God, run away. The toxic fumes the enemy’s imitation can be
devastating. Find the true, life-giving blessings of God. Settle for
nothing less.
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