Friday, August 15, 2014


“Magnificent, no one else is as glorious as You!” This line from a song has been playing repeatedly in my mind for days now. It causes me to be continually aware of God’s presence and His immense greatness. 
Considering the word magnificent brings many thoughts to mind. My first thoughts are of visual magnificence. I am reminded of when we were looking for an engagement ring and learning all about diamonds. Words such as brilliance, cut and clarity all combine to form the truly beautiful stone. The magnificence of the high quality stone is almost beyond words.  Other memories of visual treasures include sunrises over the lake, sunsets behind mountain tops, fields full of colorful wildflowers and northern Wisconsin woods in October when the leaves have turned to flaming reds, oranges and gold.  This all can inspire a an response of Magnificent!
My next thoughts lead to auditory magnificence. I’m lost in a scene of a symphony that has been executed perfectly.  I can hear the crescendo with the Tympani leading the way. I can hear strings playing both brightly and mournfully, evoking strong emotions as the musical moods change. There is a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo! Bravo! Magnificent! Encore!  Encore!”
From that thought I move on to hear the word “Magnifique!”  This is coming from the lips of a Maitre d as he describes a succulent meal. He kisses his fingertips and opens the hand to signify the bursting forth a flavor that will soon be experienced.
All of this imagery pales compared to our beautiful Godhead.  Words seem to struggle to provide an adequate description of the essence of our truly magnificent God.
God’s glory is so beautiful that no one can see it and live. After being allowed to see only God’s back, the face of Moses shown with a radiance that was blinding to the Israelites. “And while My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away My hand and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen.” (Exodus 33:22-23 AMP)  “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of the Testimony in his hand, he did not know that the skin of his face shone and sent forth beams by reason of his speaking with the Lord. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they feared to come near him.” (Exodus 34:29-30 AMP)  The book of Revelation tells us, “And there shall be no more night; they have no need for lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will illuminate them and be their light,” (Revelation 22:5a AMP) Now that is true radiance. Magnificent!
Nothing can compare to the magnificence of God’s voice. He spoke all of creation into be being by His word. Genesis 1 is full of “God said and it was so.” There is no adequate response to this other than amazement. “Let all the earth fear the Lord [revere and worship Him]; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.  For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 33:8-9 AMP)  And God chooses not to speak of our sinful past, but rather to sing over us like a beautiful concert.  “The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17 AMP)
We have been invited to feast at the Lord’s table. “O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8 AMP) King David also said, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103 AMP)  I can almost hear David shouting to the Lord, “Magnifique!”
The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definitions.  Magnificent:  1:  great in deed or exalted in place 2:  marked by stately grandeur and lavishness 3:  sumptuous in structure and adornment;  strikingly beautiful or impressive 4:  impressive to the mind or spirit :   5:  exceptionally fine.  Synonyms associated with magnificence include; splendid, spectacular, impressive, striking, glorious, superb, majestic, awesome, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, skillful, virtuoso, brilliant.

All these and so much more can be attributed to our God! So whatever you encounter today remember that He is magnificent! “Magnificent, no one else is as glorious as You!”

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