Friday, August 1, 2014

Ready For the New?

Sometimes we think we know the time table that we are on. We believe we have more time before a new event may occur. My son took a new job this week. The plan was that he would do is paperwork on Wednesday and a training class would begin on Monday. When Wednesday morning arrived, he went in to fill out the paperwork and have an ID photo taken.  At the conclusion of the paperwork his new employer informed him that he would be shadowing another employee for the next few days until the classroom training begins.
We had planned some projects for the house and yard that he intended to finish between Wednesday and Monday. Jon had already started some of them earlier in the week. But now the ones listed for this next few days would have to be put on hold. We will still accomplish the work, but it will need to be done as a family in the evenings.
Sometimes the plan God has for us may not be in the sequence or time frame that we expect. There are times when we have to wait on God’s plan longer than anticipated.  But there is also the time when He makes a quick change in our lives. Are we ready? Are we willing to drop our other plans and adjust them to suit this new plan? We must be willing to adapt at a moment’s notice. Paul gave this encouragement to Timothy. “Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.]” (2 Timothy 4:2a AMP)  We may not all be preachers of the Word, but we are all going to encounter people to share God’s love with.  We can all seek to be ready to respond without notice.
When situations like this occur, are we willing to ask for help or do we feel that we are the only ones who can accomplish task?  This can be a tricky process. We need to know when God is calling us to work individually and rely solely on the power of the Holy Spirit. Then we also need to know when He has called others to come along side to help us. This discernment can only come from continually striving to hear the voice of the Spirit of God,. As we go about our day, we must constantly be looking and listening to fine tune our understanding of God’s direction to bless others. What Jon could have accomplished with an entire day, will require our family’s assistance to accomplish in an evening. It may take a few evenings even with his father’s and my help. Cooperation in the family of God is critical to accomplish God given tasks.
When one of our brothers or sisters becomes overwhelmed, we must be willing to step in and help lighten the load. “Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor;” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 AMP) When we work together we can advance the plans of God and show the world that we follow Jesus.  “By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves].” (John 13:35 AMP)  There is a great satisfaction working together as a family and pleasing God our Father. Together the blessings increase. 
As Jon enters this new job, we can all be a part of this blessing.  God has provided an opportunity for him to serve others who face mental and physical challenges every day.  He came home after the first day and shared of a triumph with one of the clients.  As we support and encourage Jon trough his life we can be a part of all he accomplishes.  Our family is truly blessed.  As we support our brothers and sisters in Christ, we also have a small part in their accomplishments.

Be ready for any path God takes you on today.  Whether you are the one going a new direction and requiring help or the one who has help to offer, be prepared and willing.

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