Friday, January 23, 2015

Keep Knocking; the Door is Already Cracked Open

One afternoon I let my dogs out into the backyard. Kari came back much sooner than Beamer did. I left the sliding door open a crack and stepped into the kitchen. The crack was not quite large enough for Beamer to get through. He stood there waiting on the back deck until I came. When I arrived at the door, I found his nose sticking through the open space. He was trying to wiggle his way in because I have not returned soon enough.
Normally my dogs will stand at the back door jumping and scratching until someone lets them in. Because the door was partially opened, Beamer did not scratch as usual. Instead, he stuck his nose in the small opening and was attempting to move the glass door. His little head did not have the leverage to slide at door open and give him access to the house. Instead, he stood there struggling while I was only a few feet away ready to open the door for him. Yes, he stood outside waiting.
In the Bible, prayer is compared to knocking at the door. Jesus said to knock and the door will be opened. “Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7 AMP) We are also told by the Apostle Paul to pray continually. “Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly];” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 AMP) This should be our attitude toward approaching our heavenly Father.
 Do we sometimes pray but quit after only a few attempts? Teaching about prayer, Jesus tells the story of a widow. She needs help from a judge and refuses to give up until he gives her justice. She comes day after day until he finally gives in. (See Luke 18) God is righteous and loving. He does not answer prayers because he gets tired of us. He wants to see our faith and trust displayed in the persistence of praying over and over again. When we pray repeatedly we show God that we trust that He will answer.
 Sometimes our answer does not come after just one prayer. God may answer our prayer in small increments until the full answer comes. In parables Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God. Using a farming analogy He said, “The earth produces [acting] by itself—first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.” (Mark 4:28 AMP)  Our prayers may be answered in the same way. It may take time to see the full answer. During this time we are to keep praying and trusting God to finish His work. He will bring it to maturity.
Instead of continuing to pray and trusting God, we may be tempted to take His partial answer and attempt to finish the work ourselves. Like Beamer put his nose in the opening of the door and tried to push his way in, we try to push our way to the results we have asked God for. Like Beamer failed to alert me of his presence at the door, we may stop praying just when God has planned to answer. He is always close and ready to respond to us. He simply wants to hear from us. He wants to open the door for us. He will not leave a work undone but will slide the door wide open as we pray.
 So do not stop praying. God will answer and open the doors you cannot.

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