Monday, January 5, 2015

The Mountains Still Pray

We have recently rearranged our den.  This involved moving the painting we call “the praying mountain”. As I  looked up at the painting set on the wall just above my favorite place to sit and write, I thought once again about the very first post that opened this blog, What My Heart Sees Today. That story, “Put your Life in the Painting”, was  211 posts ago. It began a journey of writing down stories as God gives me insight. I’m very grateful to those of you who have joined me in this journey. 
Gazing at the painting I spent a few moments remembering the imaginary family that I had created in the first story. I thought now of the young boy becoming a man and helping his father process timber in that rugged country. The toddler girl was now a bride-to-be and the family was scurrying about finishing up the last details of the wedding that would take her down that path to a new life in a new cottage home. Her new home would also be in the shadow of that mighty, praying mountain. Despite the fact that the story has changed, the mighty mountains in the background remain to remind those living beneath of the great power of prayer. Years pass and much of daily life become a memory, but the covering of prayer remains strong. Those mountains still pray.
Throughout the Psalms, David continually recounts the great things that God has done. Whenever he is facing a challenge he causes himself to remember God's mighty work in the past.  “Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name! Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul, and forget not [one of] all His benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2 AMP) David's life was a continual prayer to Almighty God. He spoke to the Lord in good times and in bad. He listened and agreed with God.
Recently I have been challenged to recount the mighty things that God has done in my life. I have felt this from the Lord in my own personal study times and have recently heard a message on the same topic. As I’ve gone back and looked at both the extreme trials and everyday life I can recount the Lord’s faithfulness over and over again. He is faithful! Prayers are answered!
Prayer has been a constant cover in my life. I truly value both my own prayer time and the friends who have joined me in praying when situations are tough. The greatest of all is my confidence in the wonderful promises in Scripture concerning the Lord’s own role in praying for us. The apostle Paul wrote, “Who is there to condemn [us]? Will Christ Jesus (the Messiah), Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the right hand of God actually pleading as He intercedes for us?” (Romans 8:34 AMP) And as if having Jesus pray for us was not spectacular enough, Jesus made this promise, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever” (John 14:16 AMP) This mighty covering of prayer is more than I can comprehend.
 Life goes on, day after day and year after year. There are hardships along the way, mighty things happen when we pray. An advantage of being a little older is that you can see a picture of the past. Having come through every trial, even in ways that were unexpected, the view looking back is much clearer then when we are in the midst of the struggles. King David said, I have been young and now am old, yet have I not seen the [uncompromisingly] righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread.” (Psalm 37:25 AMP) I can now say the same. Throughout my life I have known a prayer. I am happy to have lived in the constant shadow of a powerful God who cares for every detail of our lives. I take comfort that I will continue to live there.I will lift up my eyes to the hills [around Jerusalem, to sacred Mount Zion and Mount Moriah]—From whence shall my help come? (Psalm 121:1 AMP)
Following here is a copy of that very first post. Please enjoy a stroll down memory lane with me and know always that that powerful covering for is available to you. The mountains continue to pray.

Put your Life in the Painting (9/2/2013)

Hanging in my den is a painting we have always referred to as “the praying mountain”.  It is a scene with a small cottage by a stream.  Giant mountains fill the distance.  The way the center mountain’s peaks are formed gives the appearance of two hands brought together in prayer.  Even in its immense beauty, this mighty mountain seems to realize a need to reach to the creator.
Looking at the painting, the central mountain draws your attention.  The praying peaks stand against a blue sky and two more distant mountains. Together they cover the top half of the canvas.  They are majestic and captivating.  Yet, despite their immenseness, this central mountain portrays a distinct sense of great power under submission.  This has always been a comfort and a blessing to me.
This painting had hung in a common room at the nursing home where my grandmother spent her final years in.  Since it had always been grandma’s favorite painting, my mother purchased it after grandma’s death.  It was displayed in her living room as a remembrance not only of Grandma, but also of God’s faithfulness to answer prayers. 
Years later, when Mom moved in with my family, the painting came to my home with her.  It has hung on different walls in my den. The quiet beauty has been a part of the room that is the center of our family’s life.  Mom has gone on to be with the Lord now. The painting remains a reminder of the women who trusted God with their prayers and the God who is trustworthy.
One day, as I looked up from my favorite corner of the couch, I once again pondered the mountains.  Then I allowed my eyes to drift downward to the cozy scene below.  I spent some time looking at the outline of the tiny cottage, imagining the interior and a family that would reside there.  I followed the flow of the stream into the woods, where I dreamed the father was out hunting for the evening dinner.  I ‘saw’ a young, barefoot boy hurrying through breakfast so he could grab the fishing pole in the corner. He longed to get to the stream before all the fish swam away.  Mom was futilely attempting to wipe oatmeal from the face and hands of her squirmy, toddler daughter, who was desperately trying to bolt from the highchair to follow her brother to the “fissies.”  I could almost smell the aroma of dough rising on the sideboard mixed with the lingering scents of bacon and eggs from breakfast.
As you can probably tell, I spent some time musing on a life that painting may contain.  I wondered why I seldom took time to look beneath those mountains to the life below.  I then felt the Lord encouraging me that my life was also placed beneath a mighty covering of prayer.  My life goes on day by day, but there in the distance is that mighty, immovable power of prayer.
Sometimes I can focus only on the prayers I pray for my family and friends.  I ask the Father for the things that my family needs. I even seek his guidance in the directions.  But If I fix my eyes only on my praying, I can forget the great covering over my daily life.  I can forget that God has and does call people to pray for me, sometimes before I even know I need it.  But worst of all, I can forget the one who sits at the right hand of the father constantly interceding for me.  When you compare my little prayers to his, it is almost laughable.
The word has some great promises for us.  God reveals himself as El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough.  Jesus was raised from the dead and sat down at the right hand of the father, where he intercedes day and night. (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25, 1 John 2:1) The Holy Spirit is the advocate and intercessor promised by Jesus.(John 14-16)   How much more majestic can a covering of prayer and protection be?
In addition to all this, we have “so great a cloud of witnesses” cheering us on from the heavenly realm, as we run our race. (Hebrews 12:1-3)  We also have the prayers of the saints here on earth, joining with us as we stand united to serve him.  I get excited just thinking about these promises.  I have to stop for a moment and thank God for it all.  Then I realize thanksgiving is probably the most powerful prayer I can pray.

So what about you?  Can you picture my painting with the mighty mountain posed in prayer dominating the scene? Put your life in this painting.  The imaginary family in the cottage lives its lives always aware of that majestic mountain. You can also live your life gratefully aware of a great, powerful, prayer covering.  Take comfort in living your daily life, knowing that prayer covers you.  Live in the constant shadow of a powerful God who cares for every detail of your life.

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