Monday, June 1, 2015

Let’s Try Something Different Today. (This Week in the Kitchen - 1)

Have you ever gone to your pantry or refrigerator prepare something for the family's meal with this thought? “I just want to try something different.” You possibly have been in the grocery store produce aisle and notice some foods you do not even know the name of, much less how they taste or how to prepare them. Maybe you have been sitting at a favorite restaurant and considering your list of favorites, but this time you simply want to order something different than you have ever tried before.
When I discovered my food sensitivities, I began cooking and entirely new way. I found foods that I had never even known existed before. Almonds had been simply nuts that you munch on or found in granola or a favorite muffin. I never realized they made a wonderful flour as well. Fennel, also known as anise, was one of those odd looking bulb vegetables that I passed up on my way to the onions, zucchini, cabbage and a fairly wide variety of the standard vegetables. Stevia was a plant that I had never even heard of. Now all of these are items I regularly prepare to feed my family.
Do we approach the word of God in the same manner? We have favorite passages that we return to over and over again. These may be key verses, preferred chapters, beloved books or even a preference for the Old or New Testament.
It is very good to have well-known and deeply rooted scriptures in our hearts. Things that God has shown us through his Word should always remain near and dear to us. Even having a passage or series of passages that are the guiding principles of our lives is valuable. Our specific vision and calling can often be established by these beloved passages. Along with regularly visiting these passages, we must go beyond these favorites to find the other great truths written in this book.
The word of God is so full that we can always learn something new. Passages that we had never considered before may have the exact lesson which the Holy Spirit desires to instill in us. Just as a mother encourages a young child to try new tastes and textures, the Lord wants us to experience the full content of His Word. “O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8 AMP) Without reading unfamiliar passages we will never find the treasures hidden within them.
We often don’t know what we don’t know. Young King Josiah was said to be upright in God’s sight. During his reign, Scriptures were found that had been lost for years. (See 2 Kings 22-23) Once Josiah heard the words of the law that were contained in the scrolls, he realized how much the people had strayed. Because they were unaware of all of the statutes God had given, they were not following his full plan. Once the word was read he led the people to repent and follow the truths they had now heard.
Like Josiah and the nation of Israel, we may be unaware of what God has declared in His holy Word. Once we have read these passages we must also do what we learn. This is receiving true nourishment. “Jesus said to them, My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.” (John 4:34 AMP) We read so that we can learn and learn so that we can do. As we follow the will of God we will grow and become strong.
The entire Bible is valuable and good food for us. Job stated, “… I have esteemed and treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” (Job 23:12 AMP) We should have that same attitude. We must desire to know all that God has to say so that we can follow His complete will. He has prepared a banquet for us and desires that we eat from it all. Let our heart’ ‘attitude be, “Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk and live in Your truth; direct and unite my heart [solely, reverently] to fear and honor Your name.” (Psalm 86:11 AMP)

Consider trying something new from God’s Word today. You may find that this fresh, different flavor becomes one of your favorites.

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