Friday, May 13, 2016

Pursuing Treats (2/21/2014)

The other day, a friend of mine (Linda) left the house for only a few minutes.  When she returned she was welcomed by a comical scene.  Her male dog, Buddy, appeared with evidence from a spilt waste basket.  This produced a mild irritation, as inspection of the home found that waste baskets in two rooms had been pillaged by the rambunctious beagle.  
After proper scolding, Linda walked into the kitchen where an amusing sight greeted her.  Their female Jack Russell Terrier, Brandi was cowering in the corner with a dog treat box totally enveloping her head.  She (or they) had gotten the treat box off the counter, and then she managed to get it open to reach the goodies inside.  Not knowing how to tip the box and empty the treats out, she had forced her head in seeking the taste she craved.  She reached the treats, but could not then get her head back out of the box.
What makes this scene even more comical is the condition of the other end of the box. Teeth marks and jagged tears indicated what must have happened next.  Seeing his friend’s head stuck in the box set Buddy in motion.  Quick action was required!  Brandi was getting all those treats, and he was not going to miss out on his fair share.  So he tore through the other end of the box to release those trapped treats.  If opening up the box helped Brandi by providing air and light, it was all the better.  
Even with having consumed a nearly full box of dog treats Brandi and Buddy did not miss a beat and began begging for dinner.  Linda chose not to add more to the already full stomachs.  Later that evening, she consented to a half-portion of dinner. 
After laughing until I hurt from the images these events created, (Oh, for a hidden video camera) I began to ponder the implications of similar actions in the spiritual realm.  These thoughts quickly became quite sobering. 
It’s not that Brandi sought anything that was in itself bad.  In fact the treats she took were something her master had purchased specifically for the two dogs.  They were intended as rewards and a taste to delight.  The problem arose from acting without the master’s consent or authority.  They did not allow the master to determine when or how many of these treats were in their best interest. They did not know that filling their stomach with these treats would then leave no room for the balanced nutrition of their dog food. 
Although God never leaves us, there are times when we go off on our own without truly speaking with Him.  There was a time when I was more likely to pick up a book of scripture verses called a pocket promise book, then I was to truly seek God, Himself concerning situations in my life.  Other times, I only want to read comforting Psalms.  But there is much more I need to learn from other areas of the Bible.  Both my promise book and Psalms are full of the Word of God.  They are truly gifts from Him.  But I need to trust Him for direction and comfort in times of greatest need.  Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. (Hebrews 4:16 AMP) It is in my approaching Him that I gain the most.  “In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6 AMP) 
God is the Master of my life.  The blessings and promises will be fulfilled in my life at the perfect time.  Other lessons, whether from the Word or through circumstances, must be learned in order to maintain a well-balanced spiritual life.  As we walk in His way, we will be properly fed.   Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” (John 4:34 AMP) As we seek God and His plans we will receive all blessings. ‘But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33 ESV)  

 Look to the Father to receive that perfect balance of food and treats.  Follow His ways and you can proudly wear the helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6) and a crown of grace (Proverbs 4).  You will never have the embarrassment of wearing a pillaged treats box.  You will be blessed!

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