Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tilling the Heart (4/25/2014)

It is springtime again, and soon it will be time to begin preparing the garden for planting. Often we think that the work of the garden begins with planting seeds. But the time of preparation before the seeds can be planted is crucial to the growing and harvesting seasons. 
Preparation of the ground is essential to any successful garden. We have several beds in our backyard that produced wonderful vegetables last year. We covered these beds with dried leaves in the fall so that the nutrients would enrich the soil. Now it is time to bring out the tiller and begin breaking up the ground once again. We could just complain that we did all this work last year and the garden grew just fine. So why do we have to redo the work? Why can’t we just start with planting once again? In order for the garden to be vibrant and productive this year, we must again break up what has hardened over the long winter months.
Planning to expand the garden by adding another bed involves even more work. First, the sod covering that piece of ground must be removed. After this top layer has been taken off, the ground beneath must also be tilled and broken up. Nutrients that will promote vegetable growth must be added. We are changing the purpose of this piece of our property. No longer desiring the beauty of a green lawn, we are seeking nutritious, life-giving fruits and vegetables. It takes great work to change. But the benefits during harvest season will be worth it.
Jesus spoke about planting season in the parable of the “Sower and the Seed”. (See Matthew 14, Mark 4 and Luke 8) In this parable He describes four types of soil that represent the conditions of our hearts. The roadside has received no preparation and there is no comprehension when the word of God comes. The rocky soil of the heart is still full of rock hardness and does not have enough prepared soil to receive and understand the word with any depth. Challenges quickly cause the word to wither and die because of this lack of deep commitment. The thorny soil has so many distractions of life that prevent the word of God from growing, but take over instead. But the good soil has been prepared. It is rich and ready to receive the seed of the word of God. In this environment the word can grow strong and provide food for many.
Are there areas of our hearts that again need tilling? They may be areas of our lives that we have served God faithfully in. As things again become mixed up and sifted through, we may question just what God is doing. We have been obedient to this point. Now it appears that God is no longer willing to allow ‘business as usual’.   A question may arise when changes occur in an area that has been productive in the past. Why is what we have been doing no longer acceptable? Why do we have to be broken up once again? But as each new season begins, the old must be broken and remixed so that the new crop can be even better than the old. For thus says the Lord to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem: Break up your ground left uncultivated for a season, so that you may not sow among thorns.”  (Jeremiah 4:3 AMP) Even a winter of rest can allow things into our lives that may choke out the fruit God is nurturing within us. 
When God is preparing to use us in a new area, the work is even greater. We may have been happy being useful as that plot of luscious, green grass. But mere beauty is no longer what God seeks. He is looking to plant fruit that will grow in the good soil of our heart and nourish others. Just as work is required to prepare the ground to receive the new plants, work is required in our hearts to receive a new direction and ministry God has for us. We must allow Him to make whatever changes are necessary in our hearts. This may not be comfortable but will be worth it. “Break up your uncultivated ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, to inquire for and of Him, and to require His favor, till He comes and teaches you righteousness and rains His righteous gift of salvation upon you.” (Hosea 10:12b AMP)  ‘His righteous gift of salvation” will be food to the souls of many we meet. 
 It is springtime again. Spring is a time for new life and new growth. Allow the Father with His rich love and mercy to prepare your heart for the life-giving crop He wishes to develop in you. His tender care will enrich the soil of your heart and fill you with life-giving food for those you encounter in your daily life. 

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