Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Story to Tell (2/3/14)

“Tell me the ‘Katherine’ story, again!” I remember speaking these words from my hospital bed, just hours after being told my baby would arrive within the week. It was still three months early! My friend, Denise, had a miracle story about her daughter, Katherine. There had been a time that the doctors had left little hope that her baby would survive. Katherine was now seven and a healthy girl with a beautiful spirit. After the news I had just heard, and an ambulance ride to a better equipped hospital, I needed to hear the words of this story of God’s miracle intervention, again. During the four remaining days of my pregnancy, I called and requested that story several more times. It was sweet nectar to my soul to hear what my God had done for another. It fed my faith and built hope during that difficult time.
Speaking of Jesus Christ, the Scripture states, “Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.”  (In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth?  He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.)”  (Ephesians 4:8-10 AMP) Jesus came down to live on this earth. In His death he descended to break the power of death for all mankind. He then ascended to take his rightful place at the right hand the Father. The Son of God came to us, to break the power over us and lead the way for us to follow.
Where have I ascended from?  Where have I descended to?  How can I take captives with me?  How far can others ascend, because I share about being led out of bondage?  These questions can be asked over and over in our lives.  Every trial, every failure, every hard experience can become an opportunity to lead captives just as Jesus did.
Have you ever been part of the crowd all going the same direction, such as a parade or a walk for a cause?  Within this crowd someone may be struggling to find their way. This person may be walking a little slower or just not in the general flow of the crowd. He or she may be struggling to manage carrying belongings while trying to keep up. Whatever the difficulty may be, this person needs help to continue in the right direction.  Someone with an encouraging word and an extra set of hands can make all the difference in this walk of life.
Jesus is at the head of this crowd. He is leading all the captives. He has broken the bonds that the enemy has placed on us. He has conquered death and brought us to eternal life.  We are in the crowd showing the world the way to the Father and helping each other.
Over my lifetime, I have been in many of these crowds. Sometimes I have been the struggling one, like when I called to hear the “Katherine” story. At other times, I have matured and become the one to help others along. After my son’s NICU experience, I became actively involved in the parent support group. Here I could help others who were going through similar experiences. I’ve been able to tell the “Jonathan” story many times over the years.  I have brought that same hope to others that my friend, Denise brought to me. We are all following the captain of the hosts, Jesus Christ Himself! Along the way, we will all stumble or take a misstep. We may also experience hard times. After we have been brought through our trials, we can help others ascend from where we have descended to. I’ve always loved and tried to lead my life by the verses. “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NLT) The Amplified version of this verse defines comfort as consolation and encouragement.  We can be the listening ears, the soothing touch and speak the encouraging words of Jesus to those who need it most.
Jesus came to us to take us by the hand and lead us to the Father. We can likewise go to others, take them by the hand and help them along the way. This may at times slow us down or alter the course of our path some. Past trials provide us with the grace and mercy to extend to others in need of grace and mercy. We can walk with one hand raised and holding the hand of Jesus, and the other hand extended out to bring someone along with us.

So, as you go about your life, tell your story. Take someone by the hand and lead them along. Together you can follow Jesus straight to the heart of the Father. Captivity is freed in God’s presence.  Bring comfort wherever you go.

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