Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Beautiful Centerpiece

I recently saw a bouquet of fall flowers set in the center of a table.  I studied the arrangement to see just what made it so beautiful.  Variety was the key.  There were, of course, several colors represented in the mix.  But it was not only the variation of color that created the beauty.  I also noticed different petal shapes as well as various heights of individual flowers and greenery.  All were needed to create this masterpiece of nature’s best.
 Variety is definitely a key, but careful placement is just as critical.  The flowers were not grouped by color, shape or size.  In fact the opposite was utilized.  Contrast created the pleasing effect.  No two flowers of the same color were beside each other.  Tall and short, narrow and wide, large and small; all are intermingled.
God has created each one of us uniquely. When we come into a relationship with Jesus, that uniqueness does not change. He intends to use that uniqueness in His own specific way. God will mold and shape our character. His goal is to prune away those things that detract from true beauty.  The uniqueness He has placed in us will remain and actually be enhanced. That unique personality will be placed precisely where He wants it to flourish. And in most cases, it will be placed in the middle of completely different personalities.
Why do people try to segregate into groups of commonality?  Why do we not see that our differences are what complete the picture?
Consider an arrangement that is all the same flower.  If that were your favorite flower you may enjoy it.  Otherwise there would be nothing to attract you.  Likewise, an arrangement could contain several small bouquets of an individual flower attached to each other.  This would only be appealing if you were viewing it from the angle that contained your preferred flower.  From another angle it would not be as pleasant.  In any case it would eventually become boring.
My father was not fond of daisies, but my mother liked them.  She also loved anything blue.  These preferences were relayed to the florist for consideration when ordering an arrangement for them.  The end result was a multicolored creation that included lots of blue and only a few daisies. There was plenty of variety and the effect was stunning.  Not only my parents would enjoy this arrangement, but those who visited their home would as well.  
God has placed us in groups to be attractive to the world.  He has something for everyone who comes to Him.  He has a place for everyone to fit. When we are all in bloom, others will see this.  The true beauty is the centerpiece, not any one individual. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.(Ephesians 2:10 NLT) 
In addition to the visual variety in my beautiful centerpiece, there are other differences. Sometimes the most beautiful flowers have little or no scent. The less visually appealing bloom will be the most fragrant. If you were to approach the bouquet and inhale its sweet aroma, you may not be able to tell which blooms the wonderful scents are coming from. You may be surprised if you begin to smell each one. Those blooms that attracted your eye may have drawn you to this bouquet. But when you got up close, you find it is other blooms that make you want to stay and appreciate the full beauty.
The same can be true of the work of God.  Any undertaking requires many different talents to bring it success. It is not always the visible gifting that makes the most impact. The subtle contributions of people who remain behind the scenes can have the greatest impact on someone who attends an event.  The comment of a quiet member of a class or study group can have a greater impact than the teacher’s lesson.  A smile or a nod from someone passing by can come at just the right time for someone who is hurting. We cannot consider our ways or roles the most important.  We must deem others important and cooperate with them. “Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high-minded, exclusive), but readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits.(Romans 12:16 AMP)  
 I have often heard the saying, “Bloom where you are planted.” I believe I would also say, “Bloom where you have been placed.” God is the master florist. He not only created each and every plant that we appreciate. He also arranges them together in a myriad of colors and scents. He has not only created each and every one of us with our own unique abilities that can be appreciated. He arranges us together with a myriad of equally unique personalities. Together we enhance each other and complete the picture God has intended. I am so glad that God has put us all together, and that He chooses where we are placed
So today, simply bloom where you have been placed in His breathtaking arrangement.

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