Monday, October 28, 2013

A New Plan

While losing weight and changing clothing sizes, thrift stores became my friend.  I did not want to spend a lot of money on clothing I would only wear for a short time.  Years earlier, while my young son had been rapidly out growing his clothes, I learned that you can find some really nice items that have been donated to these charitable shops.  Now that I am at a more stable size, I do not shop very often.  I only stop in at my favorite thrift store occasionally to add some variety.  So when I stopped in this summer, I was surprised to see that the layout of this store had completely changed.  The registers that had been near the entrance were now off to the side.  Many of the items were in or close to their original location, but others had been moved around.
 Totally thrown by the new layout, I wandered back to find a pair of black capris.  I needed them for an outdoor event for work.  When I could not find a rack specifically dedicated to capri length pants, I proceeded to try the regular pants racks.  Looking through the black pants I found a few pairs. After trying them on, I found myself disappointed.  One did not fit. Another did not have the pockets that I needed.  I found something wrong with each pair I tried.  I finally found a pair I would make due.   I had waited until the last day before the event and not buying something would mean wearing heavy slacks in the hot sun.
 As I walked to get in line to check out, I found the rack of capris near the new registers.  I really did not want to try any more on.  I almost settled for the pair in my hand.  Then I decided the two pairs in my size were worth trying.  My husband, who was waiting in the car, was patient and a few more minutes would not make that much difference.  To my surprise, the first pair I tried on were exactly what I was looking for.  They fit well, were the right material and had deep pockets.  I returned to the checkout line and purchased them.                     
My first reaction when entering the store was shock and confusion.  Although the former layout had not been the most efficient, it was familiar.  I can get into a routine and expect the same things from God every time I approach Him.  It is true that God never changes. “For I am the Lord, I do not change;” (Malachi 3:6 AMP)  How He works in my life is another story.  My life may take many twists and turns. If I do not closely follow the Father, I may be surprised at what I find.  This may not even involve staying away from Him.  I may just not be paying close attention as he makes a minor course change. 
When I find surprising changes in my life, I must slow down and examine the situation.  I cannot expect to act and react the same ways I have before.  God has a new plan.  If I stay attentive, He will show this plan. “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.” (Isaiah 42:9 ESV)  This plan has rearranged some things. I cannot rely on past experiences or conventional wisdom.  But God knows I am not always right in line with Him.  Sometimes He has to say, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19 ESV)  Seeking His plan anew and listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit is my key to staying on track. 
I almost missed the perfect pair of capris that day.  The first miss was not seeing them as I walked past them on the way to where I thought they would be.  I almost missed out a second time, because I was willing to settle for what I had found in the old location.  I almost considered a few more minutes to be too much effort.  I’m glad I did not settle.  
I need to be sure to walk toward what God has for me, not what I think that should be.  I’m always glad when I take the time to find God’s best for me.  My aim is to renew my mind daily. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 ESV)   It is always worth the effort to find God’s good, acceptable and perfect will.  

Do not be thrown by changes in your life.  Seek God and wait for the very best.  He sent Jesus to rescue us and will lead us in all good things.  Settle for nothing less!

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