The Christmas season is here, and the house is decorated. Part of our decorating is putting up my Christmas village. On our very first Christmas together, David gave me a Victorian Village starter set that contained three buildings and some accessories. Each year since, we have added a piece or two to the collection.
Because some of our village set is placed on a shelf that runs along the wall, we must rearrange our furniture. The couch that regularly sits against that wall is so tall that it hides part of the houses. So when we begin to decorate our den, the couch and love seat trade places to leave an open view the entire village. The couch we have moved is where I spent a lot time. This is the couch I go to every morning to spend time with God. So when the couch moves, so do I. I also generally sit at the opposite end of the couch during this time. (I’m not sure why, but it’s been this way for years.)
This last week since the furniture has been moved, my dogs, particularly Kari, have not been coming to sit by me as usual. Most mornings, one or the other will climb up and cuddle next to me as I read and pray. Beamer has come around some, but Kari has been going over to the love seat. This morning I changed position and sat on the opposite end of the couch. (This is closer to where I prefer to be when the den furniture is in its regular configuration.) I was able to coax Kari up next to me. As I sat there, I realized that, for her. everything had changed. The furniture had moved, and so had I. It is the same room Kari is accustomed to, but things are out of place. I am out of place and beckon her to my right side when she is familiar with my left. She has not readily adapted.
This makes me think about how we approach God. People pray, frequently asking God to move in their lives. We talk about mighty moves of God. We may even ask to see Him move in our current circumstances. But are we willing to move with Him? Are we willing to search for Him?
When I approach the Father, do I go to the last place I met with him? Do I become disconcerted, if things are not as have become familiar? Do I even become just a bit standoffish because things are not as they had been? I have to admit that sometimes I am a bit slow in changing with the seasons of my life. I sometimes feel as though I need to catch up with God. I have been trying to meet with Him where and how we have always met before. I do not see that He has rearranged things to show the beauty of something new in my life. When He moves, I must move with Him.
In the Bible God did things differently on different occasions. Moses was told to strike a rock one time to get water, but the next time he was only to speak to it. (See Exodus 17 and Numbers 20) There was a time that the Ark of the Covenant was in a tent that moved with the Israelites. Later it was placed in the temple and the people came to it. The Samaritan Woman asked Jesus where it was proper to worship God. Jesus’ reply surprised her, for it was not a place at all. “ A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers.” (John 4:23 AMP)
The religious leaders in the day of Jesus were looking for things as they had always been. Jesus came providing a new way to the Father. Many people did not like this. They wanted things as they had always been, the way they believed to be right. But those who held to the old missed out on the true work of God in the earth. They missed out on the salvation that Jesus offers us. They missed out on coming boldly before the throne of God, through Jesus. “Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].”(Hebrews 4:16 AMP)
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19 AMP) God has promised to do new things in our lives. This may entail new ways for us to meet with him, to hear Him and to know Him. This verse also says that we must perceive, or recognize, it. I don’t ever want to get so comfortable in any aspect of my relationship with the Lord that I am unwilling to change my ways. I want to recognize when He moves and then rearrange my life, much like my den, when He rearranges my life. I do not ever want to continue to search the old when God is calling me toward the new.
How about you? Are you ready to search for God when and where he is doing that new thing in your life? When God moves, will you also move? His movement will always be to reveal the best for you. Look for and draw near to Him.
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