From the time our son was born, we have shared the tradition of having a birthday cake for Jesus every Christmas. Initially, this was the easiest way to show him why we were celebrating the day. When he was real young, we went all out with a banner and birthday party plates. We never wanted the giving and receiving of gifts to be the focal point of the day. We had read and discussed the Christmas story early in the morning, before opening our gifts. This was a time that we would take to again reflect on the birth of our Savior. We gather around the table late in the afternoon. Dinner has been put away and desserts are yet to come. We light one candle for the one true Savior and light of the world. The youngest child present blows out the candle after we have sung ‘Happy Birthday.’
Birthdays are a time to remember the day someone first came into the world. Birthdays are also a time to consider how that person has grown through the years. We plan a special day to honor the person and his/her life so far. This is also a day to wish him/her well in the upcoming year. We plan parties, cook favorite foods and set aside time with the honored guest. All in all, it is time to celebrate together with the person whose special day we are honoring.
Over the years of planning parties for my son, we’ve done many special things. Sometimes we went to places with games and food. Other times we had friends over to our house. One of our favorites was ‘Trains, Cars and Jonathan’s 7th Birthday.’ We took a train ride, ate at McDonalds and then had the kids back to our house to build the giant train track and town from the gifts that were opened. (We had asked the children bring gifts that fit the theme.) It is a party he still remembers.
Thinking about the planning of other birthday parties, I wonder how much we truly plan for Jesus. At Christmas time we run about buying gifts for each other, cooking and baking all sorts of special foods and getting everything just right. Do we truly take time to consider the value of Jesus in our lives? As we read the Christmas story and talk about when Jesus came to earth as a baby, do we consider when he first came into our own lives? Do we celebrate Him more than the day?
So here are my thoughts on planning a true birthday party for Jesus. Our special menu would include what He considered His food. “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” (John 4:34 ESV) We can share in this meal by doing the will and the work of the Father who sent Jesus and now sends us. When we joyfully do this we are ensured, “…the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15 ESV)
The gifts that we bring to this party will not be frankincense, gold and myrrh. They will be gifts of an attentive heart, a willing attitude and eager determination to follow His will. And the honoring at this party will be continual songs praise. “I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” (Psalm 146:2 ESV) The best part is that we will have the full attention of the guest of honor.
The gifts that we bring to this party will not be frankincense, gold and myrrh. They will be gifts of an attentive heart, a willing attitude and eager determination to follow His will. And the honoring at this party will be continual songs praise. “I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” (Psalm 146:2 ESV) The best part is that we will have the full attention of the guest of honor.
You see, my friend, this party doesn’t occur once a year. The celebration of the birth of Jesus is a continual feast with Him. It lasts all day, every day of our lives. So this Christmas, be sure to consider the Savior and wish Him a ‘Happy Birthday’. Then, each day of your life, celebrate the purpose of His birth and the eternal life He has brought to you. It’s a party you won’t want to miss! It’s also a party neither of you will ever forget!
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