Friday, January 20, 2017

A Song Stuck in My Heart (1/7/15)

Have you ever had that certain song stuck in your mind. It plays over and over again; sometimes at the most inopportune moment. It can take extreme concentration to get the song out of your mind to focus on important matters.
A coworker of mine purchased the movie “Frozen” for her daughter for Christmas. She commented that she just couldn't get that soundtrack out of her mind. The daughter has watched the movie over and over again in recent days. After relating this, her final comment was “There are worse songs to have stuck in your head. At least I enjoy these songs.”
I began to wonder about the spiritual songs that are stuck in our minds. What songs are playing in our minds? What songs are we singing in our hearts each day? Do we sing songs of praise that extol the attributes of God as we are directed to do in the Psalms? Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; meditate on and talk of all His marvelous deeds and devoutly praise them.” (Psalm 105:2 AMP) Or do we repeatedly go over everything we need and everything we want. Do we moan over things that we do not have or opportunities that we have missed. What is the melody that plays in our minds over and over as the day goes on?
Many of us have been singing the songs of need and lack. We've contemplated far too much on what we don't have or what someone else has that we would like. We have bemoaned that which we cannot do rather than been thankful for that which we are able. We cry over dreams that have not been realized and refuse to dream big dreams of what God can and desires to do in and through us. These are not the songs we wish to have stuck in our minds. These are not enjoyable songs.
The song that we listen to repeatedly in your mind is the song that we begin to sing. The song that we sing leads to the life that we will live. It is essential to choose the song wisely. We must listen to God's precious promises that are repeated over and over again in the scripture. His love for us is great and He has carefully chosen His song to sing over us. “The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17 AMP) It is time that we listen to God’s song, learn its melody and sing it ourselves.
So how do we get a bad song out of our mind?  Focusing on getting rid of this song will only draw our attention to it more and more.  We need to listen to a new soundtrack and replace the song with a better one.  Meditating on Scripture is a great way to do this. We must fill our mind with the promises of God.  Good worship music is another way to turn our focus to the greatness of God and His love toward us. Once we have changed what we are listening to we can make the decision to sing a different song.  Scripture gives repeated encouragements to do this. The Psalmists wrote, “O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!” (Psalm 96:1 AMP) and “O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have wrought salvation for Him.” (Psalm 98:1 AMP) We get the same command from the prophet Isaiah. “Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, the islands and coastal regions and the inhabitants of them [sing a song such as has never been heard in the heathen world]!” (Isaiah 42:10 Bible AMP) We can change the tune that plays in our hearts so that it becomes a tune we enjoy hearing, humming and singing.
What tune are you listening to today? If it is not in line with God’s love for you, make the effort to change it now. Listen to His song of rejoicing over you and sing a song of praise and thanks back to Him.  Soon these songs will be the ones that stick in your heart and mind.

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