In the evening and early morning, while it is dark outside, the same happens to a lesser degree from the lights in each room. Because of its central location, this is particularly true with the dining room light. This light fixture also shines brighter light than the lamps in the living room. When I turn this on, all four rooms will receive plenty of light to navigate your way through without difficulty, even when items that may have been left on the floor by the dogs. However, it does not provide enough light to clearly see everything in the all rooms. For that reason, each room has its own lights.
When I get up in the morning it is usually still dark. My routine is to let the dogs out, get their food ready and make my coffee. Although I could accomplish this with only the dining room light, turning on the kitchen light enables me to clearly see exactly what I am doing. This light shines directly on the counter where I perform these tasks.
The word of God tells us, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105 AMP) God’s word will direct the steps of our everyday lives. Spending time reading and studying the Scriptures will direct us as we go about our daily tasks and make decisions. The light of God’s word will illuminate and cause things to become clear. It shines directly where it is needed and spotlights our feet and our path.
As we shine this lamp on the path of our daily life, we will find help in all we do. My dining room light illuminates much of the two lower levels of my home and shines up the staircase. Likewise all of God’s word brings light. Walking into specific areas of our lives is like walking into individual rooms in my home. Although the general light is shining, a more focused light may be required to accomplish the task we are to undertake. If we are seeking God for direction concerning a decision for our future, reading verses on guidance and following the Lord is what we need to do. If we are lacking in hope, then verses on hope will provide the light we need far more so than verses on any other subject. The same is true for love, forgiveness, provision, serving or any other topic we choose. When attempting to overcome negative habits, we should also concentrate on Scriptures that refer to the specific sin we are working to overcome.
God’s promises are true and apply to all who seek His face. He knows what His children need and when they need it. He is ready to give good gifts to us as we ask. We then seek out the hidden treasure of the His word for each specific need in our lives. We must also be willing to obey what we see as we study to get the full benefit. Willing obedience opens the eyes of our hearts to let more light enter. As the path is lit, the feet can walk along it following its twists and turns.
The Bible also says, “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.” (Proverbs 4:18 ESV) As we continue to seek God’s direction in any area of our lives it will become clear, little by little. As the day progresses the sun outside shines brighter and overcomes the need for interior lights in my home. Also, as we become more fully aware of His truth, the brightness of Jesus, Himself, will shine in our heart. His word will become a part of us.
What areas are you seeking answers from God today? Find Scriptures that shine the light of His truth on those specific areas. His light will shine and make your path become clear.
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