Monday, November 18, 2013

Greeting God

Whenever anyone arrives at our front door, there is barking and mad dashes around the living room.  Our two dogs go into ‘alert and protect’ mode. Once the door has been answered, and the person entering determined to be friend not foe, the alert turns into dances of excitement.
Kari will go right up to a family member or visitor, give a quick lick and wait to be petted. Once she has been appropriately acknowledged, she goes back about her own plans.  (This is usually is laying down somewhere.) This behavior leaves you longingly calling, “Kari, come back!” She has ensured that you are okay to be in her home.  She lets you know she still cares and is happy to see you.  Nonetheless, she does not let your entrance make a significant difference in her activities.
Beamer, on the other hand, does not approach right away. He first goes to find one of his toys to present to the person entering. He brings the toy up close, but he does not drop it at your feet. He sits with a toy in his mouth expecting to be petted and praised. Do not try to take the toy from his mouth. It is for you to see, not for you to take.  It is as if he is saying, “Be proud of me for what I have, but do not touch!”
I look at these two approaches and think of my response when God enters my daily life. Each day I have an opportunity to respond to his gentle nudging and a variety of ways.  I have to admit that I have, on occasion, acted like each of my beloved dogs.
Kari’s response seems great at the onset. She is excited to see you and expresses this with licks and dancing. Do I welcome God’s entrance into my life with praise and excitement? Do I jump readily on board, only to go back to life as it has it has always been? I can welcome God’s coming, and even listen, without truly spending time and devotion to Him and His plan for me. Somehow, I can fail to be as impressed as I should that he has come to stay with me.
Beamer’s response is somewhat different. Although he knows and is very comfortable with the humans who live in his home, he still feels the need to impress when we enter. Neither my husband nor I have any great interest in the toy he presents. Nor do we require any gift or “offering of prey” from the dog that we love dearly. Have I have approached God in this way? Do I come with sacrifices of things that I have accomplished in my own power? Do I feel as though I have to impress God with my good works before I can be accepted by Him?  Although this is no longer common for me, I would have to honestly answer “Yes, I have.”
A Kari-like response makes me think of the scripture, “And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men,” (Isaiah 29:2ESV)  God wants our hearts 24/7.  He is not impressed with our show of welcome, when our heart is not truly enamored with Him.
A Beamer-like response is also less than the Lord desires.  He doesn’t want us to come because of what we have accomplished.  We come because of what He has done.  “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” (Psalm 95:2 ESV)  The only gift He desires is a heart that truly appreciates and wants more of Him.
To find the correct response to the entrance of God in our lives, I looked to the words of the man God called ‘a man after His own heart,’ King David. “I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.” (Acts 13:22b ESV)  Despite all of the mistakes and sin in David’s life, through good and bad times, David knew to, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (Psalm105:4 ESV)  This means simply wanting to be with Him, not for a moment; not to impress; but to truly say, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” (Psalm 27:4 ESV) 
So how will you respond when God knocks at the door of your life today?  Don’t miss a moment with Him!

(By the way, this is just how my dogs act when we come home.  They both have many cuddly moments in them.)

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