Friday, November 15, 2013

Where Are My Glasses? (Correct My Vision 3)

I have always had trouble keeping my glasses on.  I can see fairly well if I am reading or looking across the distance of a room that I am in.  Consequently, I do not always put my glasses on.  My husband and son constantly hear, “Where are my glasses?” as we prepare to leave the house.
I would never dream of driving without wearing my glasses.  Nor would I attempt going to work, the grocery store, church or anywhere else that I may be reading signs without them.  I would not pay to see a movie and only get the blurry version because I did not have my glasses on.  Yet I frequently fail to put them on in day to day life.
I also find myself fighting to keep from taking my spiritual glasses off.  I have learned a lot of the Word in my 36 year walk with the Lord.  I find many principles are rooted deep in my heart and soul.  I can make it through many of the ordinary challenges of life by remembering verses learned in the past.  While knowing the Word is a good thing, it can be very dangerous as well.  Relying on memorized verses and past revelation from God will never adequately meet the challenges of today.  The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.(Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)  Without the daily freshness, I am suddenly lamenting, “Where are my spiritual glasses?” 
For years I avoided this problem with my natural sight by wearing contacts.  They were the type that you could sleep in and clean weekly.  This way I never took them off.  This is a great place to be with the Word of God.  The Word can truly be ever before you.  This can be accomplished by reading and studying at a designated time each day, then keeping scriptures in mind all day.  I prefer to do this ‘all day awareness’ musically, with songs as well as verses that I have put to a tune.  Then the spirit man can pray and converse with God during the night as I sleep.  All three steps are intentional.
As time has gone on, I can no longer wear contacts.  When my vision is corrected for distance, I can no longer  see to read.  I’ve tried several options and have settled on progressive lenses.  I look through the top for distance, the middle for computer work and the lower portion for reading.  This takes some thought, and practice at first, but it gives the most accurate results.  It’s fairly natural to me now.
Approaching the Word is much the same.  Life brings many different circumstances every day.  There is no one verse fits all.  I must daily seek the leading of God for the moment of time I am in.  Verses on love and mercy will help while encountering a situation where others are gossiping and I feel pulled to join in.  Wisdom in finances and giving principles are needed when I encounter a financial need.  The list of needs and the answers in the Bible are numerous.  Each moment is unique.
The following principles can act as a guide.  The upper or distance vision is similar to the big picture.  This is the total approach to life.  My guiding verse for this is comes from the directive of Jesus.  “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30 ESV) The middle or the computer monitor vision is similar to how I see relationships with other people.  My guide for this is the continuation of the first passage.  “The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  (Mark 12:30 ESV)
The final level of vision is the lower, reading vision.  This is the close up, everyday details of life. This is where constant attention is needed.  My encouragement here is from Psalms.  “Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.  Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  (Psalm 119:104-105 ESV)  I need to follow God’s directions, hate false ways and shine that lamp on each and every step.  I can only do this by searching the Word continually.  As I do, my path will become clear.
So find your glasses.  Put them on.  Use them wisely. Love God!  Love people!  Seek His direction, and your path will become clear.

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