Monday, November 11, 2013

Open My Eyes (Correct My Vision 1)

I remember getting my first pair of glasses.  It was my junior year of high school.  My parents took me to pick them up on a Friday evening.   I put them on for the first time and everything changed.  As we walked out of the store and into the parking lot, I tripped several times.  I watched my steps and found the ground was closer than I had realized.  I would attempt to place my foot down and it would contact the ground far quicker than I expected.  I had to stop looking at my steps and just walk.
My parents needed to run an errand and I remained in the car.  I sat there looking out the window at a sign.  I would put my glasses on and read the sign.  Then I would take them off and marvel at how sharp the images were with the glasses on.  I studied the lines of each letter and the contrast of colors between letters and background.  From the sign my eyes drifted to the others sights around.  The traffic, the lights and everything around me was sharper and clearer.  I had been living in a blurry world without even realizing it.
A few years later, I had a similar experience when my spiritual eyes were opened.  I had grown up with a knowledge of God.  I had attended church and knew God was a triune being.  He was Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  I knew many things about Him and I knew many Bible stories.  I could tell you of Adam and Eve and original sin.  I could also tell the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to open the way to heaven.  But something was not quite clear.
It was my sophomore year of college when I first saw the truth in the Word of God.  My eyes were opened to the truth that the promises of the Bible were not just for the members of a church, but for me personally.  This meant that a response from me was also required.  He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.  But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,  who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”  (John 1:11-13)  I needed to become one who ‘chooses to receive Him.’  I needed to believe on His name.  Being part of a church or a denomination was not enough.
Prior to this time, I had thought I was doing okay.  I wasn’t too bad and I was nice to other people.  I had been an active part of a youth group.  I saw my spiritual life as being just fine as it was.  Then the truth of God’s word opened my eyes and corrected that blurry vision.  Jesus came to the earth not just to save the masses, but also to have a deep and personal relationship with me.
The prophet Isaiah answered a calling from the Lord.  “And he said, “Go, and say to this people:  “‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:8-10)  The people of Israel were following their rituals and thought they were following the Lord.  But their vision had been blinded. 
There was a song from the 70’s named ‘Love Broke Through.’  The chorus of that song still resonates in my heart.  It describes how my vision was corrected that night.  “Like waking up from the longest dream, how real it seemed, until your love broke through.  I was lost in a fantasy, that blinded me, until your love broke through.”  I suddenly saw the world the way it was meant to be seen.
So if you have never entered into a relationship with the Father, through Jesus Christ, don’t wait any longer.  Ask Him to show you how blurry your vision has become, by giving you the corrective lenses of the word of truth.  Take action to access the relationship God is offering you today.  The sharpness and beauty will amaze you!

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