Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Do Not Quit at Halftime!

This NFL season has been rough, containing many injuries.  Many teams have had players out for several games, needing to heal.  The Green Bay Packers have definitely seen their share of medical setbacks.  This has led to some heartbreaking losses for the team and fans alike.
In the past two games, the Packers have been significantly behind at halftime. During the game 10 days ago, we had other commitments and were unable to watch the second half. When we later heard the final score, we were amazed to find out the Packers had won. We then went back through the recording of the game to watch the plays that had led to victory.
Then, this past Sunday, score was even worse at halftime. The Packers were down 26 – 3. Not only was there a 23 point difference, all of their offensive efforts had yielded only one field goal. As the team left the field for the locker room at halftime, there did not seem to be much hope. My husband did not even want to watch the second half. Again the news came that the Packers have pulled it out in the last minute and a half. The final score was 37 - 36; Packers.  We again went back and watched the highlights, but I sure wish we had watched it play out live.
Have you ever felt that life circumstances are so overwhelming that there was no way out? Does it seem like the enemies of God are gaining ground, and your faith does not produce results? Do you consider quitting? You are not alone.
We have many promises in the Bible that we are on the winning team.  “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28 NLT)  God tells us that all things will work out for good.  He just does not tell us how long it will take or when that is going to occur. 
There are several occasions in the Bible when it appears that the enemies have won. After fleeing Egypt, the Israelites came up to a seemingly dead and at the Red Sea. But then the sea parted. (See Exodus 14)  The Philistine army, with their giant Goliath, seemed far stronger than the Israelite army. But David, a young man with a slingshot, won the battle. (See 1 Samuel 17) Elisha’s servant was terrified at the oncoming armies until his eyes were open to see the heavenly armies with chariots of fire that surrounded them. (See 2 Kings 6)  In any of these cases, stopping halfway through would have been disastrous. The victory was still ahead. The darkness of the current circumstances did not change the victorious plan that God had. In times of great trial hanging onto God and seeing it through is the only proper course of action.
The greatest example of the appearance of insurmountable loss is the death of our Savior, Jesus Christ. On that He was crucified, it looked as though the devil had killed Messiah and thwarted God’s plan.  I’m sure the hours that followed were heart wrenching. But after what seemed like a great defeat, came the greatest victory: the resurrection! This victory surpassed even want the people of that day hoped for and prayed for.  All things, even that horrible death of Jesus, worked together for our good.
In an interview on Monday with Coach McCarthy, the question was asked about the mood in the locker room at halftime. The reply was filled with such wisdom. Coach McCarthy stated that they had not spoken of the problems of the first half. They had gone back to the basics and reviewed what they needed to do. 
For the child of God this is also great wisdom. Return to the basics of what you know. “God loves me!” “I have been redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus” “God will never leave me nor forsake me” “God has a plan for my life and He will see me to the end” Continue reciting the many truths and promises you have from God.  Go back to the play book, the Bible, and prepare for the next moves in your life.
After speaking about the righteous and the wicked, King David proclaimed, “I have been young and now am old, yet have I not seen the [uncompromisingly] righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread.”  (Psalm 37:25 AMP) In the midst of past struggles, I have felt as though this verse was mocking me. With a mountain of medical difficulties in the corresponding bills, groceries were often hard to come by. But now that I am older and looking back, I can see that we made it through. Some of those times were very difficult.  Other difficulties still affect our daily lives.  Yet we are still here. The Word of God is always true!

So today, regardless of what your circumstances look like, review the basics and get back in the game. Let me assure you, the second half is on its way!

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