Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Take Daddy's Hand!

While our children are small, we want them to hold onto our hand whenever we are out in public. The primary reason for this is safety. We do not want them to find themselves in a place of danger or harm. We do not want them to be separated from us. We want to protect and keep our beloved children close to our side.  We give our children directions to ‘Stay by my side!’ and ‘Hold my hand!’
Curiosity can be great when a small child is in a new and exciting environment. Simply wandering off can be due to simple inattention, not always disobedience or rebellion. When constant handholding was not practical, I attached to attach a leash to both my wrist and by young son’s. He was as fast as lightning. I could barely turn my head and he would be gone. This could be very dangerous when shopping.  The lease kept him close, yet gave him some freedom.
Once, when Jon was about three years old, we were at a very busy Do It Yourself store. As I stood in line near the exit, the two women behind me began discussing my choice for protecting my son. They did not even try to speak quietly, as they commented that a ‘child should never be leashed like a dog.’ I listened for a moment, before turning around and informing them that this little child ran far faster than I did. I told them, “Child abuse would be to put him in a situation where he could run out into traffic, before I could reach and stop him.”
Father God wants to hold our hands securely in his. He wants his close by his side at all times. “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”  (James 4:8a NLT)  When the world outside seems a big and scary place we do not have to fear. Our father God has said, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10 NLT)
Like I did for my son, our Heavenly Father will use whatever method necessary to keep us from getting too far from him. Others may not understand. They may consider us foolish for remaining tied to him. We may not even understand that we need to be tethered to God to prevent wandering too far away. We don’t always see the dangers that are very near those things that attract us. But God sees and protects in ways we may never realize.  He will give us some freedom, yet keep us safe. 
It can be quite frustrating when a child refuses to offer his hand. Repeated squirming and wiggling attempts to separate the little hand from the large safe hand can be a display of self-will and rebellion. Likewise, our self will can throw a spiritual tantrum. God continues to watch out for us, even when we are disobedient.  Speaking of the new covenant through Jesus Christ, the writer of Hebrews referred to the Israelites of old.  “This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of the land of Egypt.” (Hebrews 8:9a NLT)  They were rebellious to the leading of God’s servant, yet He took hold of them and led them out.
It is very encouraging what a young child willingly clings to a parent’s hand. This shows an awareness of the need to remain connected to the security and protection his parents bring. When we hear the Father say, ‘Take My hand,’ we should willingly obey.  The path ahead may be difficult, but His strength will be enough.  “Even there shall Your hand lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.” (Psalm 139:10 AMP) It is pleasant to walk without a struggle.The greatest joy comes when the child reaches up to take your hand without having to be asked,  He not only knows of his need for you, but desires to be by your side.  When we approach God, it will bring joy to His heart if we come willingly and enthusiastically.  Take His hand today with a heart like the Psalmist.  “Nevertheless I am continually with You; You do hold my right hand.” (Psalm 73:23 AMP) 
There is great joy and peace, walking hand in hand with your Heavenly Father.  Take a walk today.

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