Friday, April 4, 2014

Are You Ready?

I teach first aid CPR AED to certify officers from the contract company I work for. I have been teaching the class approximately once a month for the past eight months. Yet the day before each class I still spend time reviewing my notes, going through the entire class in my head. I also arrive at the building one hour prior to class time. This provides ample time to set up and be completely ready. As my students begin to arrive, I can converse with them. To the best of my ability, I am prepared for each new class.
This past week, I went to my regular routine as I approached my ninth class. As I drove to the facility I was feeling good about the day. When I arrived at the front door I met with an interruption to my plan. I could not get the door to the building unlocked. (See my last post.) Twenty minutes later the problem was rectified and I walked into the classroom.  Now I had to quickly set up and prepare for my class. While I was still setting up and preparing the equipment, my students began coming in. For this class, all my students arrived on time, leaving me no reason to delay the start of class.
A little rattled by the door episode and some minor technical malfunctions, I began and led the class. Able to laugh these things off, we proceeded and the class ran fine. My early preparation allowed me to flow with the interruptions and perform as I was intended. Each class is a bit different, containing different challenges. By being prepared I’m able to adapt and continue with relative ease.
Do I always prepare as well in the spirit for my day ahead? I have studied the Word of God for over 30 years. There is much of it ‘hidden in my heart.’ (See Psalm 119:11)   With all this knowledge comes a danger of relying on what I already know or have done in the past. This can cause a pattern of going through the motions without a fresh word from God. That is never good.  Paul taught For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12AMP)  
The word of God is alive. Living things require attention; water, nutrients, and time. Any gardener will tell you that you don’t just put the seed in the ground and expect a great crop. Likewise we must nurture the word that has been placed in our heart over the years. The word is also full of power. Muscles will atrophy from lack of use. Regardless of the power that resides within, exercise is required to remain toned and sharp. Again, we must daily exercise the word by studying and living it out. This verse also states that the word is sharper than a two edge sword. To remain sharp, whether an actual blade or a skill set, constant honing is required. This verse not only encourages us to learn the word, but also live in it and let it change me. 
Jesus, who is the Word come to earth, (see John 1: 14) told us “I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me will never thirst any more (at any time).” (John 6:35 AMP)  Who enjoys stale bread? Bread that nourishes is fresh. The aroma of baking bread will fill the area around you and cause you to impart life to others as well. This aroma will only come from spending time with Jesus in prayer, worship and the word. 
While writing this post, I encountered one of those unexpected interruptions to life.  The situation is fairly serious. God used recently read Scriptures and recently listen to teachings to carry me through the situation with relatively no stress. Although things are uncertain and decisions will need to be made, I have peace and joy. I have full confidence in my Father’s guidance and provision. Even today I found a note I have written myself more than a year ago from the heart of the Father. It contained and encouragement and a verse that so perfectly fit the occurrences of the last two days.

Walking with God is a daily, active endeavor. Putting in the effort meet with Him is always worth the peace and joy that a living relationship brings.

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