Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Packing on Paper

Whenever we go on a trip, I begin to pack several days to a week prior to the trip.  I do not crack open my suitcase.  I grab a pen and piece of paper or open Word document. Over the next several days, I jot down everything that comes to mind that will be needed for the trip. When packing day arrives, generally the day before I leave, it takes less than an hour to pack my suitcase. I walk to everything that I need and have placed on my list, bring it to the suitcase and put it in.
I developed this method many years ago after forgetting some of my insulin pump supplies on a trip. These items are not easily found at the pharmacy and posed a significant problem. I was finally able to have what I needed shipped to me. The search and several phone calls took considerable time and effort. This cut into the plans we had had for our vacation. There had been no choice, these supplies literally were necessary to my life.  So I do not want this to ever recur.
This life is a journey and we are on a trip. There are essentials that must accompany us every day of our lives. Many of these are from the word of God.  Some, like my pump supplies, should never be left behind.  Among these, I include verses on my identity in Jesus Christ, the armor God has provided for us (Ephesians 6) and most importantly, the necessity and examples of how to continually thank and praise God.  These areas are crucial to every single day of our journey with God.  We learn more about these areas by studying the Word daily and reviewing what we have already learned.  “Oh, how love I Your law! It is my meditation all the day.” (Psalm 119:97 AMP)  This daily meditation leads to the Word becoming a part of how we perceive and react to the events of my day. “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel: After those days, says the Lord, I will put My law within them, and on their hearts will I write it; and I will be their God, and they will be My people.” (Jeremiah 31:33 AMP)  This is again referred to by Paul in the New Testament.   “You show and make obvious that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, not written with ink but with [the] Spirit of [the] living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such is the reliance and confidence that we have through Christ toward and with reference to God.”  (2 Corinthians 3:3-4 AMP)
As you can imagine, my insulin supplies are among the very first things put on my list for each trip. Clothing is next in importance.  Following these items are the things that are specific to each trip.  Depending on where I am headed and the mode of transportation, many articles may be either appropriate or unnecessary.  Travelling by car facilitates a cooler and food for the trip.  An airplane ride requires medical documentation for my insulin and supplies.  Either would be foolish to take if the mode of travel was reversed.  A hotel with a pool would invite a swimsuit whereas a mid-winter trip to a friend’s home in Wisconsin would not make this practical.  Each trip has its unique needs, 
God has plans for our long term call, and He has plans for each day.  In addition to the necessities of every day of our spiritual lives, there are the daily aspects of our journey.  God already knows who and what we will encounter for each day.  These verses and the actual items we may need will be brought to mind as we seek Him for each day. “I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me.” (Proverbs 8:17 AMP) As we seek and find His heart for each day, He will add to our packing lists.  Then we can quickly put it all together and be on our way on this exciting journey of a life following Jesus.
I make a list on paper and God writes His lists on our hearts.  Both are added to over time and both make preparing for the journey so much easier.  I am so glad we do not have to run franticly looking for what we need at the last minute.  We can be ready in advance.

What is God instructing you to pack for this life’s journey?  Study to get prepared and you can be ready to put it all together and take off with Him at a moment’s notice.  Enjoy the trip, knowing that you are packed and prepared for each day!

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