Wednesday, April 2, 2014

His Key Will Work

On a recent Saturday morning, I taught a class at our contract company’s office. The office shares space in a building with several other companies. As class time approached I arrived at the building. Since my other classes have all been midweek, I had never had to unlock the building’s outer door before. The key had been on my ring, but I had never had to use it. When I placed the key in the lock it did not budge. I attempted several times to wiggle and gently pull out the key with no success. 
To compound matters, there are three keys on my ring that are identical in appearance. The center key is to the office door. I use it each time I teach.  For easy recognition, I have that key turned opposite the other two.  The third key is to a store room that I occasionally open.  Since all look identical, I was trying both outer keys.   I even attempted to get in using the office door key, which I knew was to a different door. I then circled the building and attempted to open the back door.  My keys would not even go in that lock. 
Returning to the front door, I wiggled and jiggled and pulled and pushed with no success. Finally, after considerable time, I got the door opened, but only after calling my manager and waking her up.  She was on her way with her keys to assist. Embarrassed and sorry for waking the boss on her day off, I now had to quickly get into the room and prepare for my class. 
I sometimes see this occur in my personal journey with the Lord.  After 35 years of having a personal daily relationship, there are areas of my life that I feel fairly confident in.  I know how to pray and seek God for daily direction in these areas of my life.  He may switch things up some, but overall I can (barring self-will) confidently follow Him through His word and prayer.  When something is new or different, I am not always as sure of how to proceed.  Much like with those keys, I must keep up the attempt to enter into His plan in these areas of my life. 
There are several reasons that I was unsure of myself on that Saturday morning.  The first was that I had never opened that door before.  This was new territory.  I had expected to put the key in, and turn it and open the door.  It had never occurred to me that anything else might occur.  We are to be prepared at all times for any occurrence in our lives.  I’ve long remembered a term from the King James Version of the Bible.  Paul encouraged Timothy in his preaching by telling him to “be instant and in season,” (2 Timothy 4:2 KJV)   In modern day terminology this means ready for whatever comes.  Trying the key on a prior visit to this building would have alerted me to the problem.  Since I had not, I now needed to move forward, not regretting having not been more ready. 
When the first key I tried had not worked, I attempted to use the other one.  Going back and forth between the two keys increased frustration and I began to question my situation.  Continuing to wiggle and move one key, would probably lead to a much quicker success.  Responding to a new situation in ways that work for different situations will also bring frustration.  We can begin questioning direction of the Lord or our methods.  
I was also unaware that the key was temperamental and often required subtle movement to fit properly.  This would have been avoided if I had thought to have a conversation with my manager prior to that morning.  Reaching out to a brother or sister who knows the Lord well is often wise.  Although your experience with God will not be the same, someone who is already in an area of service may have helpful insights.  A mentor can also be reassuring.  
Jesus holds the keys to heaven.  Isaiah spoke this prophecy.  And the key of the house of David I will lay upon his shoulder; he shall open and no one shall shut, he shall shut and no one shall open. (Isaiah 22:22 AMP)  When we are walking with Jesus, He will open the doors that He chooses.  Therefore we will have access to walk through them.  Jesus is the Word and we can follow the Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit as we travel new territory.  I was also unsure if I would have been notified had the building been re-keyed.   But God does not change.  If He has called us, He will equip us with the right keys.. “For His divine power has bestowed upon us all things that [are requisite and suited] to life and godliness, through the [full, personal] knowledge of Him Who called us by and to His own glory and excellence (virtue).” (2 Peter 1:3 AMP)  He will not re-key the future. 

As you venture out in new areas of your life, prepare yourself as much as possible with the Word and prayer.   Then follow the direction He gives. Listen to and trust God to open doors before you.  You may have to jiggle and wiggle, but you will walk in the path God has planned

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