Monday, April 14, 2014


I recently completed a project for a tray table cover. My husband uses this tray for his computer. I was really happy with how it turned out. It fits snugly over the tray and has the pockets he requested on one side. I do not sew very much, so this was quite an accomplishment for me.
Until… this thought crossed my mind. What happens if the material shrinks? The tray cover will inevitably need washing at some point. At that point my cover will become too tight to get over the tray. Any seasoned seamstress would have thoroughly washed and dried the material before beginning a project. The material would have shrunk in this process.  Then later there is no fear of shrinkage ruining the project.
Sometimes we may feel a call of God on our life. It may be a burning desire to do something for Him. We just want to get on with things and begin the work. But God’s plan seems to say “wait” far longer than we would like. It may even seem that we are going backwards. These are times when God is working on our character. He has something beautiful to create in our lives. But He is very aware of how character flaws can destroy ministries and relationships.
Many great men of the Bible received promises and visions from God. There was a long time and many trials between this initial vision and the receipt of the promise. Joseph dreamed of his future position where even his family would bow down to him. In the years before this would come about, Joseph was thrown into a pit to die, sold to slave traders, worked himself up to a position in a wealthy person’s home only to be lied about an thrown in prison. He was forgotten in prison by two men whom he interpreted dreams for, until Pharaoh experienced a recurring, distressing dream. It was not until this time, when he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, that he became second-in-command in the entire land of Egypt. (See Genesis 37–42)  From the arrogant youth sharing his dreams of lording it over his family, Joseph became a man of resolve and compassion. He had the wisdom to watch over Pharaoh’s affairs and the love to forgive his family for the wrongs they had done to him.
King David’s life showed a similar pattern. He was anointed king when still a young man. But before that came to pass, he served King Saul and later fled as Saul’s armies sought to kill him. He eventually became king and ruled for some years. Yet again he fled from the armies of a son. During his times in the caves, hiding from his enemy, David learned much of the ways and laws of Almighty God. His love for God grew immensely as did his character. He was even called a man to God’s own heart. “And when He had deposed him, He raised up David to be their king; of him He bore witness and said, I have found David son of Jesse a man after My own heart, who will do all My will and carry out My program fully.” (Acts 13:22 AMP) (see Psalms written by David) 
And the apostle Paul, after his dramatic transformation and great ability to preach from his Pharisee training, went away for a time before beginning his great ministry.  “Nor did I [even] go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles (special messengers of Christ) before I was, but I went away and retired into Arabia, and afterward I came back again to Damascus.(Galatians 1:17 AMP) God had much to teach him about the message and the people he would bring that message to. 
Like these men, we may go through uncomfortable times being made ready for work that God has planned for us. God has great concern for all of his children. When we are working for Him, we can bring the healing He longs to give to many broken lives. Or operating out of the selfish character or erroneous idea, we can cause great hurts that will also be credited to His name. 
This principle is also true about relationships. I look at the years of my life that I thought I should have already been married. (I was married at age 29) But looking back, I see that there were insecurities and other issues in my heart.  If God had not had the time and my attention to work some of these out, I may have destroyed my husband. I may have been demanding from him what only God could give me. 

So at whatever point you are right now, remember my little project. Allow God the opportunity to pre-shrink your character. Then at the right time He will place you where He can use you. You will have already been through the trials that will make you strong and enduring for His kingdom.

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