Monday, December 1, 2014

Eat Like a Dog!

Beamer and Kari are at it again! These two dogs do the funniest things that allow God to teach me and challenge my character.
After a Thanksgiving Day feast with friends, I placed a few of the preparation dishes down on the floor for the dogs to lick. This was their special holiday feast.
Kari was attempting to get the last little bit from the corners of the glass casserole dish. When the glass began to slide across the floor, Kari trapped it with a paw. Soon both paws were firmly planted in the center of the dish. Through the clear glass we could see her face pressed against the side as she licked the last bit the food that was cooked into the corner. This comical position brought a hearty laugh to those of us who remained in the kitchen.
Shortly after this incident, we opened the door to the back yard for the dogs to go outside. Kari led the way with Beamer close at her heels. A few feet out onto the deck Beamer came to an abrupt stop. Nose in the air, his head snapped sharply back and to the left. This was followed by an immediate about face. Because the outdoor temperature was in the low thirties, I had placed the roasting pan with the remaining Turkey just outside the door on the banister of the deck. Although he had trotter across that deck many times, this time there was an aroma of food and he wanted to get to it.
Jesus, the Living Word of God, is called the bread of life. “Jesus replied, I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me will never thirst any more (at any time).” (John 6:35 AMP) He also told His disciples about spiritual meat. “Jesus said to them, My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.” (John 4:34 AMP) The word and the will of God make up our spiritual food. Do we show the same for persistence in obtaining spiritual food as my dogs did to these leftovers? We are so blessed to have access to the Scriptures. We should take full advantage of them.
Do we devour the word in the same way Carrie did that casserole dish? It's not just the amount of Scripture we read. Do we seek to get every last morsel of truth from the written word? There are times when God desires to convey volumes concerning His nature and purpose to us. Will we keep chewing and licking at it even if it does not readily jump from the pages? If circumstances of life try to pull that word away from us, will we plant ourselves firmly like Kari did by placing first one and then the other paw in to the dish as it was sliding away? Persistence is key! We must tightly hold on to the word through all of life.
Are we on the lookout for opportunities to experience and do the will and purposes of God? Looking for food is not a common part of crossing the deck to the backyard. It took a keen sense of smell for Beamer to be aware that food was on a shelf more than a foot above his head as he passed by. Do we go about the regular activities of life with our senses on high alert to pick up the scent of opportunities to be fruitful in God's will?
This type of attention to God’s word and will require determination on our part.  We must decide to go after the Scriptures with an unwavering intent to receive all the nourishment we can obtain. Jesus promised, “Just as the living Father sent Me and I live by (through, because of) the Father, even so whoever continues to feed on Me [whoever takes Me for his food and is nourished by Me] shall [in his turn] live through and because of Me.” (John 6:57 AMP)
What is comical in the behavior of my dogs with actual food is crucial for a committed Christian and spiritual food from God. We must strive to get all God has available to us. We must always be on high alert to snap back and meet an opportunity to serve.

Both of Scripture and service, eat well!

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