Monday, December 15, 2014

That Looks Good on You!

This time of year many parties and other events are happening. There are special Christmas Eve services, work parties and get-togethers with friends. It’s a busy time for many of us. Whether it is an ugly sweater party that has become popular around the US or a fancy, formal event, these parties lead to the question (especially for women) of, “What am I going to wear?” Following that question comes another, “Does this look good on me?”
As I contemplated what I would wear to a Christmas concert that we were attending, I was reminded of times that I went shopping as a teenager. I was very selective of the friends I chose to go clothes shopping with. When I asked the question, “Does this look good on me?” I wanted a truthful answer. I did not want someone who was afraid to hurt my feelings and would therefore tell me that everything looked good. In fact, I would sometimes put something on that I knew to look hideous on me, simply to ascertain the honesty of my companion.
Now that I am older clothing selection has two facets. I am interested not only in whether the outfit is a good color and fits properly, but I also want to know if it is appropriate for my age. Some styles that are really cute on a 20-year-old no longer look quite right and someone over 50. I do not want to dress as though I am old, yet I do not wish to look as if I am trying to hold on a little too tightly to youth.
As we dress spiritually we can ask these questions as well. Attitudes and actions become the apparel of our heart. As we make decisions about how we will respond to everyday life we are choosing how we dress our spirits. We may rifle through our spiritual closet pulling out first this attitude and then that behavior. A sweater of joy may be hanging right next to a blouse of dissatisfaction. Blue jeans of honesty may hang beside capris of laziness. Faith, humility, fear and pride are all in that closet. Outfit selections, like the choices of our heart, are plentiful.
Scripture gives us an example of clothing that will always be the perfect apparel choice. King David said, “Rejoice in the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright [in heart].” (Psalm 33:1 AMP) This could be translated to say that praise looks good on the righteous. To go about our day singing the praises of God ensures we will always be dressed in that perfect spiritual outfit. Praise is becoming which enhances the true beauty of the person who is wearing it. Praise is also appropriate so it is always the perfect choice for any occasion.
The Lord himself has provided us with this outfit. He wishes for us to wear praise rather than discouragement. Scripture states that Jesus came, “To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion—to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit….” (Isaiah 61:3a AMP) Jesus purchased this outfit with his life. Regardless of where we are going and what may be happening around us, this garment of praise should always be joyfully worn.
Now that we have selected the proper garment for all of our Christmas festivities, we need to find the proper shoes to match. The angels who announced the birth of Jesus Christ spoke of peace to all men. “Glory to God in the highest [heaven], and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased [men of goodwill, of His favor].” (Luke 2:14 AMP) This message of peace makes the perfect footwear to accompany our garment of praise. The instructions given by the apostle Paul for putting on the armor of God include, “…having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:15 AMP) Peace is more dazzling than ruby slippers.
So now, having taken our fashion tips from the word of God, we are dressed and ready, not only for all of the holiday events, but for every day of our lives. Praise never goes out of style!
When you go to your spiritual closet today and every day choose to put on praise. Accent with the shoes of peace.  Everyone you encounter will notice that it truly looks good on you.             

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