As we take a drive on a brisk December day Helen, my
93-year-old companion, comments “The sky is so blue!” There are fluffy white
clouds drifting against a brilliant, blue background. The brightly shining sun
creates an amazing view. Even though it is cold outside, the beauty of the sky
is spectacular.
Because Helen’s memory does not work as well as it
once did, she often repeats a comment only moments after she has spoken it. In
the 10 minute drive between her house and mine, I heard “The sky is so blue!”
at least eight times. One might find this repetition humorous or even annoying.
But in times like this, my attention is drawn to the true beauty of that sky. On
my own I may look up and appreciate the massive blue background to the clouds,
birds and outlines of trees and buildings. I may note and possibly even voice
my appreciation once. Then my mind would move on to other things. In Helen’s
forgetfulness, her repeated comments bring me back to truly appreciate what is
before me.
As we drove home later, that same sky was now dark.
Stars were beginning to become visible and all traces of the blue we had seen
before had vanished with the setting of the sun. This dark sky brought no
comments from my friend. We spoke about other things as we made the return trip
to her home.
Had anything really changed in that sky? The sky
itself was exactly the same. It doesn’t change. What changes is the reflection
of the sun. Without the sun to reflect what was blue becomes black. Other
changes occur when clouds block the beauty of the blue sky. A sky full of gray
clouds can hide any evidence of blue leaving a dreary image of pending rain.
Yet behind those clouds that beautiful blue sky has not changed.
The sky of our lives is very much the same. God has
placed each one of us on this earth in exactly the right place. His grace and
mercy are like that blue sky. They are canopy over us that does not change. Regardless
of the circumstances in our lives at any given time, God remains the same.
“For I am the Lord, I do not change;” (Malachi 3:6a AMP)
All of His mighty attributes and faithful love are steadfast. We may simply not
be able to see them at that given time.
The key factor to blue sky is a reflection of the sun. The key factor in
accurately seeing God’s canopy over us is a reflection of the light of his Son,
Jesus Christ. In order to see clearly we must enter relationship with the true
light. “…He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me
will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.” (John 8:12 AMP) Without the light of Jesus we can never truly see the
loving nature of our Heavenly Father.
When we look up to the sky and see only gray it does
not mean that the skies have actually changed. Rain clouds have moved into our
line of vision blocking that brilliant blue. When trials and hard times are all
that we can see with our natural eyes, God’s faithfulness has not changed. He is
still Jehovah Rohi, the Lord our Banner! His love and protection is continually
over us. We must cling to this truth. Even the grayness of the rain clouds
bring a promise of much needed water for the earth. The grayness of the trials
we face, likewise bring the promise of much-needed grace, mercy and strength
from our loving Heavenly Father. In these times we must cling to the Scriptures
and the true nature of God. We have this promise, “Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds.”
(Psalm 36:5 AMP)
Doubting that God’s nature of love and concern for us
is like doubting that the sky has remained intact. Riding in an airplane, the
truth about the sky can become readily apparent. When traveling through a storm,
the pilot will often guide the plane to an altitude that is above the clouds.
The thunder, lightning and grayness of those clouds remain beneath the plane while
the brilliant blue of the sky is all around. Through thanksgiving, praise,
worship, Bible study and prayer we can rise above those clouds of trials just
as the plane did. Like the pilot choosing to point the nose of the airplane
upward, we can choose to lift our eyes up beyond the natural sight and look
into the spirit realm where God’s true nature is obvious. We can know that the
sky is still blue.
When facing trials we may need to become a bit like my
elderly friend, Helen. We may need to continually speak out the fact that the
sky is still blue. We may need to remind ourselves over and over that beyond
our current circumstances the grace and mercy of God still stands. His faithful
protection of us has not changed. His love remains constant in all things. We
remember, “The heavens
declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His
handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1 AMP)
everything is going well in your life right now, thank God for the blue skies.
If things are rough, remind yourself that beyond the clouds the sky is still
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