Friday, December 5, 2014

Light in the Darkness

One of the traditions that I love at Christmas time is all the homes that decorate their yards with lights. I love decorating our home, although we do not go to extremes. We string lights around the framework of our home and place candles and stars in the windows. We place a lighted nativity in the front yard and our home is to be a tasteful backdrop to this scene. I also love to drive around the city admiring what other homes have done. Some neighborhoods go all out with every home on a particular street decorating. In my hometown one street has been given a second name of “Christmas Lane” because of the extensive decorating.
We took a drive around town looking at lights. With Christmas Lane as our destination, we drove through several other neighborhoods. Some streets had very few homes with any decorations at all. Other streets had a spattering of homes here and there. Still other streets had many homes that were lit up almost as if neighbor was trying to outdo neighbor. It is fun to search out where the best lighting is.
As we drove, one street caught my attention. On this particular street one side had nearly every house lit up with elaborate decorations. On the other side there was total darkness. Not one home had any outdoor decorations. To the left was light and joy but to the right was silent darkness.
I’ve driven down this particular street many times during the daylight hours. It is a very typical neighborhood. There are houses of many different sizes. Some are two-story while others are ranches. There is no particular order and definitely no distinction between the two sides of the street. During the daytime there is a continuity that becomes a stark contrast when darkness falls and the lights are turned on.
This can sometimes happen with the spiritual light that all Christians are to shine into the world. Jesus Christ spoke these words, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 AMP) All who believe in Jesus Christ are to follow this command. When life is running along rather smoothly many believers can blend in with other believers. We all have our different personalities, interests, and social statuses, but we can blend together and appear to be similar to each other.
But when the darkness of life’s trials set in on us, how we respond can set us apart from others. People who appear to be very strong in their faith and dedication to the Lord during the light of day can become disillusioned by intense struggles. The light of their love and faith can be dimmed. Others can experience the same trials or even significantly more intense circumstances. Yet through all this their love and faith is strengthened. As they continue to trust the love of God, the strength of their character shines even brighter in the trial. The distinctions between the light of those who faithfully grow and those who give up and quit can be as stark as driving down that street was. All have experienced the coming of the darkness. Some have lit up brightly with perseverance and trust, while others have faded away through doubt and giving up.
It takes time and effort to put up all the Christmas lights. It takes a continual strengthening yourself in the Lord through the Scripture and prayer to see the light of God grow in our lives. When we encounter hard times we should follow the actions of King David. “David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6 AMP) We also have the encouragement of Jesus. Just prior to the verse about letting our light shine that is quoted above, Jesus spoke these words, “Blessed (happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous—with life-joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of your outward conditions) are you when people revile you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things against you falsely on My account.” (Matthew 5:11 AMP) True joy shines regardless of our outward conditions. This joy only comes from learning and trusting the true nature of God. We can be confident in His love and shine even in the darkest of circumstances. In the light that we shine will draw attention to our loving Savior even as these Christmas lights draw attention to the season.

So choose which side of the street you wish to be on when the darkness comes. Will you grow in your knowledge of God and shine the light of joy that comes from total trust. Or will you abandon hope and let your light diminish as hard times ensue. Choose well.

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