Monday, March 10, 2014

Banded Together For Strength

Several weeks ago, I wounded my baby toe. I'm not sure really how it happened. It seemed fine when I first got up, but later that morning my left foot hurt when I attempted to walk. The dogs had been playing and I believe one may have stepped on my foot at just the right angle to injure the toe. I am not sure if it was broken, sprained or simply stubbed, but soon the toe was badly swollen and bruised. It needed some attention and support to heal.
Whatever the cause or the extent of the injury the treatment was the same. I needed to reduce the swelling, cushion against the shoe and provide support to the toe. This was accomplished by first wrapping a dressing around the toe. Although even moving the toe enough to wrap a bandage around to it caused pain, it was necessary to permit greater pain in the future. Once the toe was bandaged it was taped to several other toes beside it. Being taped to the next toes limits independent movement. This provided the stability to immobilize the toe during the healing process.
Brothers and sisters in Christ need to provide support by coming alongside someone who is weak or has been hurt.  Like the human body, the body of Christ has been equipped to band together to assist in healing.  One method we are encouraged by is And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV)   Whether the believer is young in his faith or has simply been wounded by the storms of life, meeting regularly can encourage a battered soul.
Other injuries can be self inflicted by sin.  In these cases the body of Christ is still called upon to stand together.  Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”  (Galatians 6:1 ESV)  The support of the group will help the wounded member stand straight as God intended.  It will provide strength and protection against the forces that attempt to pull us away from our callings.
By a few days after my initial injury the bruising had spread across four of my toes.  There was no pain that accompanied it, but the vessels had broken and the bruising looked awful for all four toes.  Banding together and bearing others burdens can cause some shared hurt by the group.  Our hearts become involved when we truly care for each other as God intends us to. “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.   (Romans 12:15 ESV)  We must be careful to care for ourselves as we care for others. 
It doesn’t really matter how the wound has occurred, a broken brother needs the help of the body to heal and be restored.  Underlying causes can and must be dealt with separately to avoid further problems.  We must be on the lookout for obstacles that can cause jammed toe and jammed lives.  These can be physical objects, people who wound with words or actions or temptations that can cause sin. Avoiding these and knowing how to respond to them will reduce further pain.
Several weeks have passed since I first hurt my toe.  I only now have stopped taping the toes.  There are still twinges of pain at times.  I’m careful as to which shoes I wear and how I place my steps.  But I know that I am on the mend.  I am also on the lookout to prevent a reoccurrence. 

If you are hurting today, seek out members of God’s family to stand with you to hold you up.  If you are strong keep your eyes open for someone who needs your encouragement and strength.  In all circumstances follow Paul’s instructions.  addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,” (Ephesians 5:19 ESV)

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