Friday, March 21, 2014

Paired Together

Recently, at the advice of my hairdresser, I began using a new brand of shampoo and conditioner.  I really like the way my hair looks and feels after it is all done.  The shampoo cleans the hair very well, yet by the end of the second washing, there are numerous tangles in my now clean hair.  Attempting to put a comb through my hair at this point would not be too comfortable.  Fortunately this is not time for a comb, but for the conditioner.   With just a small dab, what the conditioner does to my hair is amazing.  Within minutes the tangles are gone, replaced by softness I can feel even though the hair is still wet.  The hair rinses clean and styles nicely.  
Considering this (yes, in the shower) I began to think of the ministry of Paul and Barnabas.  These men had very different personalities and gifts.  By most standards Paul, the straight talker, and Barnabas, the born encourager, were an unlikely pair.  God put them together for His great purpose, and His work was accomplished through this complementary team. 
Paul was very direct and a sometimes blunt speaker.  His teachings are black and white and can be taken as harsh by people who do not read enough to see and hear the heart Paul had for the Body of Christ.  His concern was to convey ‘clean’ living and the path that leads to the greatest life God has to offer.  His writings are remarkably grace-filled, yet can come across as impossible to follow. (Which they are without total reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit)  Hearing only part of what Paul said or paying attention to his manner more than the message could leave the listener discouraged and defeated. 
‘Son of Encouragement’ is the literal meaning of the name Barnabas.  He was born to build others up. I can almost see and hear Barnabas moving through the crowd with his radar out for someone who looks to be down.  “You can do it!”   “Didn’t you hear Paul?  You can do all things through Christ!” (Philippians 4) “Jesus saved us because of His mercy, not any works of righteousness that we had done!” (Titus 3)  “God will work all things together for our good!” (Romans 8)  I can see him pointing people back to portions of Paul’s teaching that emphasize all that Jesus Christ has provided.  He’s the one on the sidelines running beside you as you run toward the finish line of faith. (Hebrews 12) “Don’t quit! Trust in God!”  
 Shampoo without the conditioner leaves the hair clean yet dry and difficult to comb.  Conditioner, without the shampoo, leaves hair soft but not clean.  Used alone, either will result in a ‘less than the best’ condition for the hair.  Strong teaching without encouragement can bring despair.  Encouragement alone, without the pure Word of God, will not promote any real growth and can actually promote spiritual laziness.  Together teaching and encouragement will cause growth and maturity in Christians. 
Individually, Paul and Barnabas each had their shortcomings.  Together they were a powerful and productive team.  They later separated company and travelled with other companions.  I think Paul and Barnabas rubbed off on each other and took a piece of each other with them as God led them on different paths. 
When we find ourselves in one of these roles, we must remember that God has created each of us uniquely.  That person we are working with may be operating exactly as God designed and intends for him/her to act.  Allow others to operate in the manner God created them. We must also be careful not to become envious and wish we were more like our counterparts.  When we are following the Holy Spirit our contribution to the team is equally important.  We are instructed, “And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him.”  (Colossians 3:17 AMP)  Working together as God leads is always the most profitable way.  Paul’s ministry lives on as he wrote a large portion of the New Testament. 
I use other items when styling may hair, as well.  A hair dryer, mousse and hair spray are only a few. God has provided everything we need to grow up in Jesus.  As Paul and Barnabas traveled to many churches, elders and leaders in each city provided support to the young church. No one is in this alone. 

So when you are paired up with someone who seems totally different than you, fill your role to the best of your ability.  Leave the rest to God and keep watch over what God can do through you.

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