Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What’s Your Contact Status?

As I opened my computer at work this morning, My “Lync Frequent Contacts” window popped up as it always does.  Lync is the method of instant messaging my co-workers.  One of my frequent contacts had been on medical leave, recovering from surgery for several months.  Her name had been followed by “offline # days.”  The # had been ever increasing.  She returned to work last week while I was on vacation.  Yesterday had been the first time I had again seen the word “Available” and a green box beside her name.  It looked so good, because it represented that she was healthy and strong enough to be back in the spot she fills so well. 
Different messages can be displayed beside a name.  I have already mentioned Available and Offline.  There are also, Busy, Away, In a Meeting, Do Not Disturb, Inactive, and various notes that can include how long the person will be in the current status.   These are all helpful in knowing when to contact someone or when to expect an answer.  Because someone covers my breaks using my log in, there are only three messages associated with my name.  When I sign in I am Available.  If I do not use my computer for a period of time my computer locks, and I become Inactive.  When I log off for the night my status reads Offline. 
Is God on my Frequent Contact List?  Fortunately, I can answer ‘yes’ to this question.  I speak with Him throughout the day.  I also know that I am on His. Whenever I look to contact Him, the status is always available.  Sometimes I wonder which status message He receives when attempting to speak with me.  
I would love to say that I am always available and just like young Samuel, who jumped up in the middle of the night.   “Then Samuel answered, Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.” (1Samuel 3:10 AMP) God shared His plan with Samuel.   For many years and he listened and played his part well.  Although this is becoming increasingly true in my life, I often fall short. 
‘Inactive’ is probably the most common of my unavailable responses to God.  I may simply not be paying attention to Him.  Be it cooking, cleaning, playing a computer game or watching TV, I can get caught up in other things and miss His call.  None of these are bad things, but I can concentrate on them to the exclusion of listening for the Holy Spirit.  Just as I may have other duties at work, I must frequently check my computer so that it does not lock and cause me to miss e-mails or messages. Likewise I should frequently check in with God throughout my daily activities. 
‘Busy,’ ‘Away’ and ‘In a Meeting’ are more intentional.  These are the times that I do not want my schedule interrupted.  I have a plan with places to go, things to do and people to see. It reminds me of the parable of the King’s wedding feast. (See Matthew 22:1-15)  The excuses given for not attending have some merit, just as most of my plans are good things.  These plans may involve family or ministry work.  Even writing these stories, which I believe God has called me to do, can interfere with His plan for the moment.  I must always be ready to allow God to mix things up for the benefit of His kingdom.  I have even caught myself saying, “Not now Lord, I’m studying Your Word.”  It would be comical if it wasn’t true. 
‘Do Not Disturb” is the worst of the messages I can give to my loving heavenly Father.  This comes out when I shrink back from allowing Him into particular areas of my life.  This may involve forgiveness for another or even myself. Even in this, God is caring for my best interest.  “So also My heavenly Father will deal with every one of you if you do not freely forgive your brother from your heart his offenses.” (Matthew 18:35 AMP)  He does not want my refusal to forgive to separate me from Him in any way.   ‘Do Not Disturb’ may also involve past hurts that I am unwilling to face and deal with.  God wants to bring healing, but I want to protect myself.  I must remember that He is tender and kind and receive His grace and healing in order to be able to bring grace and healing to others.  “…inasmuch as the Lord is full of pity and compassion and tenderness and mercy.” (James 5:11b AMP) 
‘Offline’ would involve shutting God out.  I can happily say that this setting no longer appears in my life.  After serving God for many years, I went through a time when I just gave up.  Having come back from this dark hopelessness, I know and enjoy my complete dependency on Him.  Even as I wake in the night, I will pray and sing to Him.  I am striving to be open to Him at all times.      
What message are you giving to God today?  Are you Available and ready to hear and obey?  I hope so. Would Inactive or just not quite paying attention better describe you?  Maybe it is Busy, Away or In a Meeting.  For any of these, open your eyes, ears and heart to the nudges of the Holy Spirit.  If you have put out the Do Not Disturb sign, please hear the heart of the Father, who cares only for your very best.  If Offline (either because you have not entered a relationship with Jesus Christ or you have allowed your heart to stop trusting or following Him) know that God loves you more than you can imagine. 
Keep God on your ‘Frequent Contact’ list.  He’s Available!  Are you?

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